Sunday, November 2, 2008


We survived the weekend and mom has somehow stayed away from the 10 plus pounds of candy that I think we came home with. We had Spiderman and a cute little green frog this year. JR and I took the boys downtown to all the stores. Crazy. They do it from 3-6 and in years past it was nice because none of the older kids made it until 4pm because of school. But for some reason there was early release so it was a mad house. I would be willing to bet that businesses spend over $100 on candy because a lot of them hand out chocolate. J mostly stayed in the stroller, much easier to keep up with him. Then we headed to a few friends houses. B had the best time running with the other kids. He was not as concerned about the candy as he was with being able to keep up with Indiana Jones, the fireman, the police man, spiderman 2, etc. When we came home JR put J to bed and I went around the neighborhood with B. Poor kid, he would just mope about how his legs hurt, how tired he was, etc. Then, off in the distance, I would see shadows of kids and off he would run to catch them. Seeing him run in the spiderman costume, with his spiderman snow boots (despite having no snow) he just looked so funny. Next year I am gonna have to be sure and line up other kids to go with cause mom just is not fun enough.
J had an appointment with a naturopath doctor on Friday. We are hoping to get the allergy testing kit from the lab and have the bloodwork done up late this week. The Dr. was also wondering if he has some GI issues going on.
JR has not been out hunting this week but hoping to hit a private ranch tomorrow for a deer or two.
I just registered for a tennis tournament this weekend. Seems odd to schedule a tournament this time of year with only 4 indoor courts. I just signed up for singles. Hopefully I will have a little better showing this time around than last time.
We are off to see the movie Fireproof this afternoon. Suppose to be a very good movie!
Here are some pictures from B's Harvest party at the preschool and from Friday night.


Elizabeth Wickland said...

Cute kids in costumes! I love the frog!! And way to go on staying away from all the Halloween candy! I'm impressed!

The Sullys said...

J and B are growing up so fast. Love these pictures... It looks like they had a good time! Speaking of calling... I NEED to call YOU ;o) I always enjoy reading your blog.