Monday, April 7, 2014

Spring is here!!!  We have temps for the next 10 days in the 50s and 60s!

The boys came home from school today and played outside for 4 hours.  All the neighborhood kids were out too.  Football in the street, skateboarding, playing basketball.  I love hearing all the kids outside.  I was even throwing the football with them.  I had the wind behind me and was able to throw zinger spirals.  The boys were amazed and commenting how much it hurt them to catch the balls I threw.

We finished up skiing.  I have already ordered ski helmets for next ski season.  (The helmets they wore this year were okay, but not the snuggest fit compared to what is out there now.)  I need to be on the hunt for skis and boots for me, so I can easily ski with them next year.

Finally hit the road and got some running in.  I was so sore.  I can only imagine that it is the difference of running on pavement versus treadmill.  Slowly increasing my mileage each week so I am ready for the 9k the end of April.  Amazing how hard it is to get going again after not exercising for 3 days.

B is in his final month of robotics.  He is doing a robotics demonstration this Friday for his 4H club.  They are also allowing younger siblings to do a demonstration and I believe Jbird is going to do his on soccer. Will be sure to get videos.

Trying to line out our summer plans.  No road trips, unless we decide on something spur of the moment to somewhere 10-12 hours away.  There are lots of places within a days drive I would love to take the boys to but will be much easier when they are older.

I promise to pull out the camera soon and start putting more pictures on here!

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