Monday, April 21, 2014

I sure love the warm weather we have been having, although it seems like we have went straight from winter to summer. One thing I always forget about, is how hard it is to get the kids inside to go to bed! My boys just do not do well without adequate sleep. But they certainly don't want to come in for homework or bed. We have to hammer out about 30 more days of this so some negotiating is in the works. I wish they would play outside and then just come in and go to bed, but seems like it takes them an hour and a half to settle into bed.

Yesterday was Easter. A wonderful weekend we had celebrating our risen Lord! On Saturday, B and I left the house around 7am to help our 4-H group hide Easter eggs for a Museum's annual egg hunt. The organizers were not ready for all the energy, because we finished 'hiding' (mainly putting in a field) 4,000 eggs in about 30 minutes. In years' past, it has taken them well over an hour. Then we had to wait for over an hour for people to show up because we were to 'police' the start line and make sure no one crossed. During that hour, we went into the museum to see their exhibit on geckos. I don't really like creepy, crawly things (I blame that on my brother), but I found it very interesting. They always have really nice displays. Here are lots of pictures, because I just could not decide which ones to omit.

They have them in these really nice, well lit displays.  Most of the ones we saw loved to be upside near, near the lights

This one was really warm!  The picture on the right and on the next row, show one lizard upright and one upside down.

The green gecko was rhythmically sticking his tongue out, obviously licking something.

Beautiful colors and markings on them.

These two pictures freaked me out because every time I would put the camera down, I saw another gecko that I had not even seen before.  Just weird to know it was there and you never even saw it.

They had computer stations along the way giving information and allowing interaction.  One station talked about the DNA and how they isolate it and create other geckos.

I liked these next four pictures that showed huge panels of the different tails, skin, eyes and toepads.

Here is a statue that stands out front of the museum.

A picture of the kids lined up at the start line..this is only the 6-8 year olds...and off they went.

After that, B and I stopped off at another egg hunt. It was starting soon and I told him I would walk up with him and he told me I did not need to if I did not want to. So, I sent him off by himself into a sea of people. It actually started 30 minutes later than we thought, so he did come back to the car to get me. As we crossed the field, he wanted to have a foot race. I am glad to say that we hung pretty close during that short distance, with him edging me out. I would like to think that I would have had the stamina to go further than him.

Then we hit the mall and stopped by the house. We were suppose to pick up the younger two for them to all do an egg hunt, but the boys were not home. So, B and I headed out again. This particular egg hunt was at the local high school football field and I believe it was the first year it was held. So, not many kids there. They all spread out along the sidelines and each of them pretty much had a 5 yard (crosswise) stretch to themselves. B kept coming back to unload. After the egg hunt there was a football game, which we watched the first 3 quarters then left.

Lots more pictures to share from Easter day but will save for next post.

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