Tuesday, April 29, 2014

On Friday night Jbird finally lost his first tooth. Here is a picture before hand (remember the dentist said it needed to come out so the other one could come in).

Here is what it looks like with the tooth gone.

This little guy left today for his first road trip with dad.

 They went down to Texas.  JR is going to hook up with some of my family to hunt hogs.  They are both so excited!  JB and JR will spend some time with my dad and then JB will hang with my mom while the actual hunting is going on.  They will be back sometime around the 10th.  I am looking forward to lots of down time, errands, cleaning the first week and then next week a friend is coming from North Dakota.  We were hoping to do some hiking, but looks like snow is in the forecast for next week.

A picture of all three of them.  JB is up to my chest.  He is really growing.  I think he will be the one to inherit the tall genes in the family.  (He does have on his shoes but catching up to Jbird quickly.

Friday night was a magic/variety show up at the boys school.  They had a great time watching the sword swallowing and fire breathing.  Then on Saturday we got tickets to a 'real' magic show by someone who travels internationally.  It was really cool watching tigers appear and motorcycles disappear.  The wonder and amazement of the slight of hand.  Still have no idea how he did most of the tricks.

Looks like we are going to get a taste of being an employer this summer.  JR's niece has bought a ticket to come up and visit/work for 6 weeks this summer. She will be a senior in high school and is really wanting to leave Miami when she graduates. Would be fun if she decided to come up here after graduation. Not sure how much work we can line up for her, hopefully at least 20 hours a week. (The going rate is about 4 times up here than what it is in Miami, so even working 15 hours a week here will be like full time there.)  The boys are looking forward to getting to know her. We have not seen her since summer of 08.

On Saturday I ran my 9k (5.5 miles).  JR ran with me until mile 2 and then he went ahead.  He stopped at 4.5 miles to wait for me.  I was hoping for 12 min. miles, which would have been 1 hour 6 minutes.  I ran it in 1 hour 7 minutes and that was with a bathroom stop and to tie my shoes once - so I think it is safe to say I hit my goal.  I ran the first 1.5 miles and then alternated between running and walking.  It is amazing how differently the muscles are used between the two.  I was able to maintain my breathing the whole time.  It actually was not as difficult as I expected.  It helped having people in front and behind me to keep me motivated.  Did not have any real good pictures during the race, but here is one before hand.

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