Thursday, April 24, 2014

On Easter we headed to Yellowstone National Park with another family. It was free admittance day and we wanted to visit the Boiling River. This is where a local hot spring enters another river and creates pockets of cold and hot water along the river's edge.
B is standing up in the middle in the white shirt. Notice the buffalo grazing above the walking trail.

This is obviously the hot spring that feeds into the cold river.

It is only about knee/thigh deep in most spots. It will go from about 45 degrees to 110 degrees in a matter of a footstep. Crazy fun. There are warm pockets you can find and sit all day if you desire.

The boys had a great time and are asking when we can go again. (Maybe when all the Ks visit us....) It often closes sometime in the spring for a bit due to high snow run off.

Here are a few other pictures taken during our 1/2 mile stroll to get to the Boiling River.

Boys always love a good climbing tree.

It was interesting to see how each of the boys tackled this side hill.  Watching how they chose to get up and get down said so much about their personalities.

Jbird taking a flying leap.

They found a little rock to climb!

Looks like a great spot to grab a book and read for an afternoon.  The weather was just about perfect.  No wind, probably 65 degrees and lots of sun.

After the river we drove a few miles into Mammoth Hot Springs. This is a small village that often times have elk and buffalo roaming freely. We did not spot any animals there but there were tons of poop piles on the lovely green grass - literally about every 4 feet. I can't imagine the job of picking it all up, but as I remember they don't leave it there, so surely someone cleans up because it is a beautiful spot.

We walked around Mammoth.

At one point we saw this sign.

Eventually we found a couple taking pictures who pointed out the bear to us. He was high on a slope. According to the photographers, about an hour earlier, they had witnessed (through their lens) the bear had found an elk kill. He had ripped the elk open and it had a fetus. They watched the bear drag the unborn elk up the hill, where it was nestled under a tree eating. It was too far to get any good pictures, but fun for the kids to see.

All in all, a great Easter day!

Gearing up for the race on Saturday. Feeling a lot stronger than several months ago, but not sure about much faster. I have been working more on my breathing. If I can start off in control of the breathing, I will do okay. It would be nice to average a 12 minute mile over the course, we will see. JR is going to run too. He has said he is going to run along side me, but I don't know. He can cover about twice the ground I can, so I might send him on ahead. My knee has been hurting a little too, so might keep a slower pace with more walking than running. I am hoping a friend can take the boys to the finish line. Would be fun if they could run across the finish line with me. Hopefully I can get a few pictures. The weather is suppose to be low 50s. Hope it is not too windy and cold cause I don't like that!

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