Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Took B to the dentist recently for a cleaning. This is the second dentist that has told me they are a little 'concerned' about his teeth and the crowding with his baby teeth. Not sure what that means when the adult teeth start coming in but sounds like we could have a road ahead of us with that guy and his teeth. If he takes after me, it will be orthodontics and a few other things.....
I think I have finally hit the wall with stuff in this house. I have pulled all the clothes out of the boys room. They now have 5 shirts and 5 shorts/pants. That is it. I have no idea when I will pull/rotate other stuff out, but I am tired of their room and they are only 5! Guess this will mean I will have to do laundry more frequently, or better yet, teach at least B what it takes to run the washing machine. How in the world do you teach responsibility to kids. Whether it is clothes, library books, games, toys, baseball mitts, etc....I just can't get it down. I still have yet to find any reward or punishment that seems to motivate beyond the first hour or two. Yesterday both boys ended up in their room for most of the afternoon. They whined the first 15 minutes but then no big deal and did not really seem to phase them. Of course I am sure the key to teaching them responsibility is the one word I hate hearing...consistency.
JB is now standing up in his crib and loves reaching out to see what he can grab.
J is going through a stage where he is either very loving, hugging and telling us he loves us or screaming about how 'ug-a-ly' we are treating him (this is of course said as he is being sent to his room). I just crack up when I hear him say ugly that way. So cute.
JR went winter camping/bear hunting this past Friday/Saturday. He had a great time, although he did not see any bears (lots of other things though).
B has had 3 t-ball games now. They are slowing starting to get the hang of running into the field with gloves and coming back in to bat. The first two games I helped with the batting order and getting kids ready. It was a challenge. This last game one of the players' older sister helped out and she ran a very tight ship. I am not sure how she got them all to sit quietly and fall into place when they needed to, but she was great.
I am going this week to purge and purge. I have started reading a new book and I am hitting the ground running. My project is my closet and to get rid of all the stuff I like but don't wear. I am afraid I won't have much left when I am done.......

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Red Sox and Yankees

Last night was the first t-ball game. Fortunately the game is set up so that each team bats through their entire batting order (one complete inning). The game is suppose to last 3 innings or one hour, whichever comes first (we got through 2 innings). The Yankees were obviously a much more advanced team, with about half of their players swinging at real pitches, instead of the ball on the t-ball stand. They would have proven the winners but the Red Sox did had fun. B had a very difficult time staying in his 'corner' of the field. He played the position to the left of the pitcher or basically half way between home and short stop. I can't count the number of times he would run over between 1st and 2nd to get a ball. The coach would just laugh and walk him back to his area. There were several times where all the boys piled up on top of each other in the infield trying to get the ball. They thought it was way more cool to dog pile than to throw a runner out at first base.

Sunday was the end of the Screen Free week. The boys did very well and honestly, did not miss it much. It helped that it was a very nice week and we got outside a lot. Several local businesses were offering incentives/rewards for kids. So on Sunday we went to free family swim at the swim center. A really nice pool but it is 84 degrees. Took me about half an hour to finally warm up in the water. B was not too keen on swimming though. He preferred to play on the floats. J put on a life jacket and would jump off the side of the pool and go down the slide. JB slept through it all.
We also went to a local climbing wall. JR, B and J were the only ones to climb. The boys enjoyed it but there were a lot of people, so did not get much climbing done, atleast not on the easier walls. Here is a picture of JR at the top of one wall - he is on the left.

Would love to go back sometime without all the kids and chaos. What a great workout.
More swimming lessons this week, T-ball on Wed and opening baseball ceremony and t-ball game on Sat, if the weather holds.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Plants, parks and such

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous....mid 75's the last couple of days.
On Sunday I wanted to take the boys to the swim center so I could get B back in the water. We made the 25 minute drive only to find out the swim center was closed due to a mechanical problem with the pump. When we pulled up I had to go to the bathroom so bad and J and JB were both in the car. I managed to get them out and up to the door, only to find it locked. I need a bathroom. We pulled out of the parking lot only to have a cop pull in behind us. Sure enough, he turned his lights on. Seems as I left the swim center parking lot, I was so focused on getting to a bathroom that I only paid attention to the stop sign and did not see the huge 'no left turn' signs. Fortunately, he was very understanding and did not keep me long, so I could 'take care of business' as he put it. I truly felt like the idiot that says No Sir, I really did not see the 6 signs in front of me.
Then we headed to a park for one last hurrah before we headed to bed. I stayed at the van with JB while B and J went to play. A few minutes passed when I saw J crying as he walked to the car. Then I saw the blood running down his chin. Looking further, I noticed his gums were bleeding a lot and one tooth was slightly crooked. Seems that, according to one mom, he tripped running up a step and hit his lip. After calling a few dentists the next morning, determined that there was nothing anyone could do. The tooth is crooked and unless it starts graying, no need to worry about it. (Once all the dried blood got cleaned up, the crooked tooth is not very noticeable - but the huge blue bruise on the chin is.)
The onions, lettuce and cilantro are all planted. What to do with all the left over seeds. Just hope we can keep the grasshoppers out of the lettuce. Will be interesting to see what we get, considering I just dug holes and dropped in seeds. I was not too concerned with spacing, etc.
This is turn off tv week and I must admit, it has been nice. I did watch The Biggest Loser last night but other than that, we have succeeded. Twice recently, it has been shown to me again why we should not watch tv, regardless of the programming or should I say how tv influences us. For Easter B got a Bible Man video. Bible Man is good versus evil and full of lots of scriptures. The video was about disrespect. About that time B was getting very short with me and talking back. After a few days, it occurred to me that he was using the same tone and lines from the disrespectful guy in the video. A great lesson to talk through with B. Just the last few days J has been saying the word shut up. He tells me he heard it in the movie "The Paper Brigade", which is a Family Feature Film. There can be 90 minutes of good and 1 minute of bad or negative and that is what the boys seem to remember.
I have started Bible Study Fellowship and we are finishing up the book of John. It is really nice because for the first time in 50 plus years they offer childcare for children younger than 2. The children's program is very good and the kids learn the same things the adults are learning. Fun to talk with J every week about what he has learned - today they talked about Jesus dying on the cross. Next year, in the fall, we will start a brand new study in Isaiah.
As I was getting ready for t-ball, I put JB in his car seat and put it by the front door. I heard J talking to JB and then they would both laugh, silence, then laughter. I was relishing the sounds until I walked downstairs. I had given JB a bottle and we have the bottles that you put disposable bottle liners in. J had figured out that he could stick his hand up the bottom of the bottle and squeeze the bottle liner and formula would squirt out. Yep, he had been squirting formula all over JB's face and head and they both thought it was hilarious.
Group swim lessons are going well. The instructor is convinced that B will be swimming the width of the pool on his own. Sure hope so, cause it will be nice not to have to 'worry' about him around he has said he would love to have a swimming party for his next birthday.
J, just the past week or so, has really gotten interested in saying hello to everyone he passes and waving. So funny for him to see older gentleman at the store and just wave and wave until they finally wave back. If they are close enough, he will even reach out and touch them.
JB is still JB...full of lots of smiles, laughs and curiousity as he explores his great big world. Getting faster on the knees so have to be really diligent about making sure I know where he is at all times.
Looking forward to the first t-ball game on Monday!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The first hike

I took the boys out hiking this morning. We did a very popular hike called The M. The boys had done the hike before and this time we decided to go up the hard, steep route. They did awesome! It was about 850 feet elevation gain and the trail was probably just under 3/4 of a mile! (For all you flatlanders, that means we climbed 850 feet up into the air in less than a mile, pretty steep) B just took right off on his own and was proud of J, he trudged along, using his arms and legs in certain spots. Of course JB loved the backpack. (I always love the spring in my step when I take the backpack off and feel so light.) It took us about an hour up and an hour down. Down was a little more tricky, but the boys made it. It was a great lesson in praying our way down for no fear, strength, safety, etc. Their motivation was a gatorade when we were done. Here is a picture from the top.

Swim lessons went well this week for B. J decided the last two lessons he did not want to swim. Being that he is only 3, I did not want to battle with him. (The boys were doing 5 semi-private lessons.) B now has 4 weeks of group lessons, with 2 other kids. He is gaining so much confidence. Hoping to hit the pool with them tomorrow.
J has really taken off on the big bike. I can't believe how well and fast he can go. He will even 'jump' off as he is rolling to a stop. A bad habit that I need to correct - maybe if I lowered the seat a bit.
Being at the hot springs this week I noticed with the humidity that JB has a definite wave in his hair (as I recall the same wave that J use to have). I would love another boy with wavy/curly hair.
Think I am going to head out on the bike to a local garden. Going to plant some lettuce, onions and cilantro tomorrow.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Red Sox

Time for t-ball. Had our first practice this evening. There were 11 kids and it sure was fun watching them. The coaches have made it very clear that the goal is to let every kid play every position and to keep them alive and make sure they have fun. I like that attitude. They got their Boston Red Sox hats today and I am sure shirts are to follow. I think the best part for every kid is the snacks after the practice/game. The hour we were out there I think the temperature dropped 15 degrees and from what I understand, snow is on its way. It might be the only practice we get in this week. As I recall, there are 2 weeks of practice and about 4-5 weeks of games. It sure brought back lots of memories smelling all the concession food. I don't know how many hours I spent at the ball field watching my brother and friends play ball.
B does not know this yet, but JR is taking him tomorrow night to see the Harlem Globetrotters. Sure wish I would be along to hear all of his 'unbelievable' comments.
The other day it was nice out so B and J both got on their bikes and I put JB in the stroller. It was so fun because they are both getting much better on their bikes and the walks are now a brisk pace. I actually raced B a few times. I always won but what he did not realize is that I am faster at the beginning but the longer we go the further ahead he would pull. Just a matter of time before he figures that out and makes the races longer and leaves me in the dust.
JB is now pulling up onto his knees and is able to reach up to get things off the couch. I made about 60 jars of homemade baby food today (yeah, I was able to puree peas and green beans without gagging). I was thinking, well that will last me maybe 2 weeks. He loves to eat. Still pretty much doing veggies, fruits and rice cereal. He gets the occasional meat and crackers/nutri grain bars as his finger foods.
J has enjoyed making his lunch the last couple of days as you can tell in the picture. Jelly sandwiches. The other day when we were at the hot springs I had gone to the bathroom and left the boys to get dressed. A lady was watching them and was absolutely amazed that J dressed himself. She said her 4 year old could not do that and she really could not believe it when I told her he had been dressing himself since about 18 months. Independence!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


It is 7:15 and guess where the two oldest are....asleep!! Yippee. I have left JB with JR tonight so I am gonna hit the bathtub and then read a book in bed - hopefully.
Swim lessons went better today. B is now diving down and retrieving things from the bottom of the pool. It always facinates me the different techniques that people have with swimming. The instructor was talking to me today about things to do, particularly with J. She said that often when a parent gets in the water with a child, they will carry them around and hold them tight. She said that you should hold them at arms length and very gently and loosely hold them under the armpits and have them keep their arms straight out. When a parent allows a child to cling in the water it sends the message that they should be scared. She is all about teaching them to learn to float and feel the bouyancy of the water. So, as B would glide across the top of the water and then start to go down for the torpedo, she would gently push his back until his stomach was almost on the bottom of the pool. She would also discourage him from kicking off the bottom of the pool to come back up so that he would again, feel the bouyancy (is that a word). He did awesome and repeated this many times. With J she is trying to get him to reach out into the water so as to break the habit of drawing everything in (arms and legs). Again, a technique that people use when scared. He was pretty clingy and cried a few times in the pool so the instructor and I have a new plan for next Tuesday.
My dental appointment...I have now had 2 different dentist tell me within the last year that my teeth look great but my gums are receeding (not the word they used but I can't remember what it was). They have both inquired about my toothbrush. I have been using an electric toothbrush the last year or so and seems that it is wearing down my gums, which do not heal themselves. (One tooth actually almost has the root exposed) So, time to get rid of the Oral B and the one they have both recommended is the Sonicare. Not sure how it works actually but a manual and regular electric seem to cause too much friction. I certainly did not think I was brushing too aggressively.
Off to have a nice quiet evening!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


The boys started swimming lessons yesterday. We will go Tues and Thursday for the next 5 weeks. It did not take B long to get back into the swing of things. Before the short lesson, he was floating face down in the water for over 10 seconds. J did not take to it as well as I had thought. He was tired, even though it was 9am, and kept wanting to stay with me. Will have to figure out a way to watch from a far. It was loud inside the hot springs so the noise just lulled JB to sleep.
J has learned how to gargle and is very proud of himself and boy, is he good. I am not sure why, but he gargles as well as I do. Maybe because his voice is often times very gutteral. He has also gotten into singing songs like Ol McDonald, ABC and some songs off his Kids Sing Praise video.
B has discovered Bible Man all over again. It is amazing, again, how much he picks up and all the scripture in the videos. We have had some great examples of how to use scripture for situaitons you are going through. Sure is hard to say no when the kids want to watch videos that are helping them learn scripture.
For the first time ever, I went over my alloted cellphone minutes (not by much though - but it still bothered me). A little confused as to how that happened since I normally don't get anywhere close to my allotted minutes, I call the phone company. Comes to find out, and I never knew this, it costs me minutes to call and check my voicemail. Now I think that is just stupid. So, now when I am on vacation and talking to JR for more than 2 minutes at a time, I need to either check my voice mail from a land line or check them after peak hours. However, if I call my cell from a landline and it goes to voice mail, does that not count at a minute?? As I was talking to the guy on the phone, he inquired about our cable. I told him we did not have cable. He said you have just the basic. I said no, we have rabbit years. He laughed and said those still work. I told him yes and I was not interested in any more channels in our home because they will only cause a lot of grief. He tried to get me to upgrade my cell phone and told him no. He was shocked to find out that I don't text. Maybe someday I will be a more hip mom but for now, why do I need more distractions.
The other day I discovered the reduced produce section at the grocery store. I bought some stuff and brought it home to make babyfood for JB. I was so proud of myself when I went back a few days later and bought some more. I picked up a spaghetti squash and zucchini. I got home and mindlessly started peeling and cutting the zucchini. I was about 2 mintues away from being done when I realized that the zucchini was actually cuccumbers. Guess I need to either spend more time in the produce section, specifically vegetable section, or be more observant and aware when I am working with a knife.
I have started back up with Bible Study Fellowship. Although they only have a few weeks left of the John study, I will be all registered and ready to go when the new study Isaiah starts in the fall. Will be nice that J and JB can go now and that J is learing the same stuff I am.
Off to the dentist...which by the way. JR has been going to a dentist in town that is high tech and all that, whatever that means. Their whole approach to dental care is more natural, etc. I made him the very first appt because they came highly recommended and I thought they took our insurance. Turns out they don't but they were able to help JR tremendously with some very long standing problems, plus JR really like the office. Well, JR went back for his last cleaning, in a set of 3, and came home with an estimate to get some dental work done. 1 filling and 2 cavities and any idea what the estimate was for???? $1700!!! I asked JR about it and he said because they use gold for the filling. I still don't get it but time to get his next appt at the new dentist I am trying out.
The whole reason I sat down to write this was to post the latest family photo. I have found that if we set the camera to self timer and for it to take 10 continous shots, we almost always have atleast one good one, with all eyes open and looking somewhat at the camera.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

Up from the grave he arose;
with a mighty triumph o'er His foes;
He arose a victor from the dark domain,
and he lives forever, with his saints to reign.
He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!


Thursday, April 1, 2010


J has totally gotten into the Lincoln Logs this week. I am amazed at what he can build and his creativity. This is the tall tower I helped him with. He got about half of it done and then I sat down to help. When I started I was laughing at him because he had put all of the really small logs inside the tower. I told him he was a goober. As I started building, I then realized the amazing support they provided so followed suit for the rest of the project. I think we used every 2 notched log we had (time to find some more this summer at garage sales).

He has also discovered that he can do a flip on the rings in the playroom. It is so neat to see the differences between B and J and to think they came from the same stuff, yet so unique. That is God for fun would it be if we were all the same. Taking the very same DNA from 2 people and creating 2 drastically different, yet so similar kids.
I was watching (trying to organize) a bunch of video clips on the computer. I came across a lot from when J was 20 months and not talking. Not saying a word. Still so thankful that we got hooked up with speech therapy as early as we did. How his booming little voice just fills up our lives.

We discovered a tooth today for this little guy!

His cheeks are still red and with the tooth, thinking that had to be the cause. The poor kid has had nothing but zucchini and bananas mixed with rice cereal the last couple of days. He loves his new freedom now. He is getting around pretty well and wastes no time exploring everything that has been off limits.

B and J will start swimming lessons next week. B has taken them before but really needs a refresher before we travel this summer and are around the pool a lot. We are even looking into getting a family swim pass at the local swim center in the hopes of getting them in the water at least once a month.
The t-ball teams have been picked and B is anxiously awaiting the start of practices - hopefully within the next week or so.

I have been working on another t-shirt quilt. This one is proving to by much more difficult, but hopefully when it is all together you won't notice all the mismatched corners, etc. I registered today for the bone marrow registry. How cool would it be if I were able some day to save a life. While in town today I saw a bumper sticker that said "We have so much intelligence, we can't afford education". (Sadly, how true) Another thing that just made me laugh, I saw a for sale sign in front of the cemetery. Just never thought about anyone selling cemeteries. Now that the health care reform bill passed, we found out our insurance is going up
20%. I don't know that they are related but can't help but think they could be.

Looks like we are in store for a wet and very cool Easter weekend. Celebrating the death of Christ on the cross. Have enjoyed getting our Resurrection Eggs out with the boys. J is now old enough to really start getting in on the action.