Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Pictures from skiing on Saturday.....When we got to the slopes the older two quickly got their gear on and headed to the 'bunny' hill for a few laps before lessons started.

Here is JB coming down the teaching hill.  They did not make it over to the lifts with their instructors.

After lessons were over, the older two made some laps.  JB really wanted to ski on the bunny hill.  He had not learned how to stop or turn and I was not going to let him on the lift for the first time without an instructor.  So, I walked up the hill while he side stepped with his skis on. When we got a third of the way up, I held on to him while he skied down.  He would often yell at me to let go of him, but I quickly reminded him that he was a liability since he could not stop or turn.  We made about 4 trips up the slope.  Then I found a friend of mine who was riding the lift with her son, so sent JB up with her.  He did really well getting off the lift.  I would hike up to the top and once he was off the lift, I would hold his hand half way down and then turn him loose toward the end.  He loved it.  He would get back in line with my friend and I would walk back up.  After the third time, I saw B.  He managed to get ahead of my friend and despite her pleading, he got on the lift with B.  I got to the top and tried coaching B to hold his elbow and help him get off the lift.  B tried.

It was just a matter of time before I realized that JB had missed his window to stand up and get off the lift.  (See B's skis on the snow and JB is still sitting)

Well, the chair lift turned the corner with JB still sitting.  Fortunately, being a beginner lift, the lift operators are pretty on top of it.  She quickly shut the lift down and lifted him off the chair and to me.  I told him at that point that he could only ride up with my friend.  We continued making lap after lap after lap.

Jbird did awesome.  He is in the red group (the second tier up).  However, his instructor said that she is going to try to get him moved up to the next group.  Not sure the class sizes but hopefully he will be a little more challenged this next weekend.  He loves the fact that he can ski down backwards on the bunny hill.  Makes mom a little nervous because he forgets to look behind him sometimes.  Here he is skiing the cones.

Managed to get all three of them in one spot at the same time.

At one point I hiked back up the hill to help JB, only to get to the top and see him on the lift with Jbird.  I hustled over and quickly began coaching JB.  I was expecting a repeat of his ride up with B, but he did awesome.

One last shot.....(I guess B was pretty elusive so not in a lot of pictures.  He would take some laps on the bigger chair lifts, where as Jbird spent a lot of time on the bunny hill with one of his good friends!)

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