Friday, July 23, 2010

Another big week

JB is finally pushing his 'walker' and getting up on his feet. He is too unsteady to walk all by himself but sure is proud of himself and his progress.
J has only had a few accidents this week in the potty training department. We are down to about 8 diapers and I have told him I am not buying anymore unless they are just for nighttime. He has also said goodbye to training wheels. He can't go more than 20 or 30 feet before getting distracted and crashing, but he is doing awesome.
Yesterday we attended our first Cub Scout event. Family campout. Unfortunately JR had to work most of the night so he was around just a few hours Saturday afternoon. A whole new group of people that I do not know, along with traditions that I will learn over time. We watched the flag ceremony where the colors are presented. The boys made rope (very interesting), chalk and rockets that they shot up to 30 feet in the air. All the food was provided and it was a tight run ship.
They had a flag retirement ceremony (I did not know they existed and certainly did not know they cut up the flag and burned it). All the scouts headed down to the river for the ceremony. The younger two and I got down there towards the tail end. When we walked up, I saw the scout master talking to B. I wondered what was up but figured he had done something wrong. Then we watched all the scouts put a part of the flag in the fire. B then walked over to me crying. He was very upset that the flag was being burned! The scout master was trying to tell him that it was okay, but to no avail. Then we had a campfire and the boys played with their ropes and ran around until dark. We all slept really well. The boys and I had a great time and my cub scout (tiger cub) looked great in his uniform. He insisted on the salute and would not smile!

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