Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July

We had a busy week with B going to the Peacemaker Club this past week. He enjoyed it and accrued points throughout the week for memorizing verses and inviting friends. At the end of the week he was in first place!! He was quite surprised but a lesson in persevering. He went by himself the first day and then on Tues, Wed and Thurs, he invited a different friend. By the end of the week it was fun to drive around and pick up all the kids. I have enjoyed all the stages of my boys so far. I am entering one with B that I am really really enjoying. That is his friends being old enough to pick them up and go places. I love listening to them talk and laugh and cut up in the backseat.
This past week we also attended the first Cub Scout meeting. B got his uniform and everyone was divided up into dens. He has 5 other boys in his den and he knows all of them from school. During the meeting one of the Scout Masters was engaging the kids in some trivia. With the upcoming July 4th holiday close, he asked if anyone knew whose birthday we would soon be celebrating. Then he proceeded to ask if anyone knew if our country had a king. There were no answers and then he asked who ruled our country. B spoke up and said God. It got a chuckle from everyone but sure did bring a smile to my face.
We have had a lazy day. I watched Wimbledon this morning, went to church, had lunch and then most of us took naps. Went out to shoot off a few fireworks. One of the boys have been having problems disobeying and being disrespectful, so he has to stay inside all evening and not go outside to shoot off the rest of the fireworks. We cooked turkey dogs and marshmallows on the fire pit. JB loved his first taste of a marshmallow. The boys are showering and then most of us will head outside soon for all the fireworks put on by our neighbors.
Tomorrow we are heading to a nearby town to spend the afternoon with some friends. I hope later in the week to take them camping. JR is out in the backcountry and seems to be hopping every day or two to a different locale.

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