Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday Buddy!

Happy 6th Birthday B!

What a joy you are....the endless conversations we have had, the many times you have kept me on my toes with your quick thinking and negotiating ways, listening to your sweet voice as you tell JB "good morning", your laughter as you and J play, your relentless picking of your scabs so that they take weeks to heal, the way you will hide your toys under your blankets after I put you to bed, the ease with which you make friends at the park, your phrases that you say that remind me of my words, your totally random questions like "how is your tongue connected to your mouth" as we stood in line to get ice cream and all bystanders' eyes fell to me with smiles as they awaited my answer, your sly little grin when you are trying to get your way, your amazing memory for details and scripture, watching you dance recently in the aisle at church as they played your favorite VBS song, watching you still (every once in a while) wear your shorts and shirts backwards, hearing you whine and your absolutely illogical thoughts when you are tired, your willingness to try 'no thank you' bites, your nurturing ways with younger kids and your insatiable desire to work on your hand/eye coordination through video/computer games. I am looking forward to seeing you learn to read, ride a two wheeled bike, perfect the 'pumping' while on the swing, running and playing with JB as he gets 'his legs', growing bigger and stronger and coming that much closer to outrunning me and hiding more of God's word in your heart the next 365 days.
We celebrated B's birthday on Saturday. 5 friends were invited to the park where they played, we made mini marshmallow guns out of PVC pipe, took swings at the homemade pinata (4 layers was not as strong as I thought it was, although it held up through most of the kids), threw waterballoons, opened gifts and had homemade ice cream sandwiches. (These were really good and did not require any plates, spoons, etc). I love celebrating birthdays but honestly the one thing I do not like is the presents. I always struggle when my boys have birthdays because I don't want more stuff, but I know kids like getting things. This year however, was different. Every gift received was just perfect and has not become more 'stuff'. He received a headlamp that had a cute little lego guy on it (very practical and all his for when we go camping), a nice super soaker that happens to be one that is also perfect for J's little hands to pump and shoot it, a slip and slide (ours was worn out last summer), an army tank, that although it has 27 pieces, has gotten much playtime already and some money for a Wii game. So begins hopefully many lessons on saving money for things he really wants. I think the Wii might finally be the one thing right now to learn more responsibility - hopefully.
The boys enjoyed VBS this past week. Several mornings J woke up not wanting to go, but of course quickly changed his mind when we got there. Every year the host church brings in a group from Alabama to help with the week. J connected with a guy named Josh and according to Josh, he will be back next year so will be fun to have that connection.
This week B will attend a Peacemaker club. It is a biblically based 'curriculum' on conflict resolution. It will be 2 hours each morning. Today we will drop him off and then afterward, go to pizza with one of his friends (to celebrate his actual birth day) then off to Game Stop to see if we can find a reasonably priced Wii game.
We have had amazing weather the last 2 weeks or so. Today, however, we are suppose to finally hit 90! (We had a lazy weekend but wanting to get back out this week with the kids and get some bike rides or walks in.)

1 comment:

kerry said...

What a beautiful post. You are an amazing writer, and the boys will so enjoy reading these someday. Way to go!