Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The last couple of days have been nice. Not much has been on the calendar. Hanging at the pool, kids playing games and outside. Today I took B and J to an Amish community (JB stayed at my sisters). We saw all kinds of buggies on the road and had fun talking with the boys about the amish and the life they live. B thought for sure that he could not live without electricity. Stopped at a good ol general store that had all the flavored sodas in bottles. My boys that it was cool how you had to pop the top off. Picked up several kinds of cheese. Several of our stops coincided with some tour buses. I have found that the older generation either ignores us, strikes up friendly conversation or gives us the "been there done that don't annoy me" look. We came back to the house, had dinner and my sister and I went for a bike ride. Then we took all the boys and one niece to the pool from 7-9. JB had a blast. One part of the pool goes from zero depth to 3 feet. I sat JB down on the edge and he instantly crawled until his chin was touching the water. We repeated this many times. He loved it.
Tomorrow and Friday should be beautiful so we are hoping to hit the beach in the morning and the pool all afternoon.
We will be leaving Ohio on Sunday. We hope to spend Sunday and Monday in Illinois (will be seeing the family I use to nanny for), Tuesday and maybe Wed in South Dakota, hit Mt. Rushmore and be back home next week.

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