Saturday, July 17, 2010


Just some of the things that have come out of the mouths of my babes lately that bring a smile to my face.
There are many nicknames I have had over the years...Red, North, Scooter, Carrot top and Mory but none as dear as Aunt Shoo (other than Mom of course). I just had to smile recently when we were in Ohio. B heard Aunt Shoo a lot from his cousins. One day B walked up to me, gave me a big hug and said "Mom, do you care if I call you Aunt Shoo?"

We have started working more diligently (again) on potty training J. He was putting on a pair of 'training pants' that does not have the front hole for boys for some reason. He said "Mom, why don't these underwear have a hole in them?" I told him that I did not know and he responded "maybe God should make my underwear".

These are just a few of the things that have been coming out of my mouth lately...
Why are you putting peanut butter on your brother?
Please don't use your real tools to work on the tv.
Did you just wipe your nose on the back of my shorts?
I don't care what kind of animal you eat like, just eat with manners.
You don't hit someone with a hammer, ever.
Please don't put your boogers there.
Why are you cutting your hair?

Believe it or not, I have spoken these words to both of my boys, not just little J.

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