Monday, August 2, 2010

Just hanging out

Been staying close to home. Had two sets of friends (Pahals and Pankratz') last week that were in town and hooked up with them at different parks. Fun to see how the kids have grown and to watch everyone play together. This past weekend our missionary friend Naomi, from Zimbabwe, stayed here and spoke at our church.

B attended VBS last week and enjoyed it. This past weekend he went to a shooting sport activity through the Cub Scouts. Him and JR took the BB gun to a local shooting range where B got instruction on the parts of the gun, safety things, shooting tips, etc. He was quite excited to bring home his target for me to see.
School starts in 3 1/2 weeks. Should find out this week who his teacher will be.

I have been struggling with some inner ear issues that are causing dizziness. I think it has to do with some fluid in the ear but also what are known at crystal rocks in your ear. They seem to have come loose or displaced. My friend Naomi, who is a nurse and dad is a chiropractor, was around last night when it got really bad. It dropped me to my knees. Fortunately her dad was able to walk us through an exercise that helps to reset the rocks. So far so good.
This weekend is JB's first birthday. Hard to believe!
Here are a few pictures from a recent 'hunting' expedition JR took J and B on. Not to worry, it is a BB gun and safety is always first!

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