Wednesday, February 25, 2009

15 weeks

Yesterday the local Crisis Pregnancy center called me and said they would love to do(practice) another ultrasound. So today I went in for a 15 week shot. The baby is measuring accurately to the day! That little kid was very active. Could it have been the cheesecake and hot chocalte I had a few hours before going in?? In another 5 weeks I will get the 'big' ultrasound. I think I have decided to be surprised and not find out!
This past weekend was beautiful and I was introduced to one of JRs fishing spots. An awesome place about 5 minutes from us. The river was great and the boys easily played for over an hour throwing rocks, digging in the sand with sticks, etc. We had so much fun, B and I went back the next day and took a 5th grade boy from church with us. (Whenever I ask B who he wants to have a playdate with, he often mentions the older kids.) We had a blast and stayed 2 hours. They were trying to figure out if they could 'loosen' a little chunck of ice so they could stand on it to float down the river. As much as I would have loved to see that (the water was pretty low), I redirected them.
The last 2 weeks or so things with J are really coming together. I think we are going to do another evaluation and see where he is in regards to where he should be with speech and oral awareness.
JR has been home this week, so nice for me to get a few breaks, although I am not making much headway on my projects!

1 comment:

Josh, Brita, Dan, Clara, and Paul said...

Great to hear that you got to have another ultra sound. I loved going in to have "practice ultrasounds"! Of course I got a lot of them since it was my mom who needed the practice. I got to see a lot of Clara and Paul. Your picture at the river makes me feel a bit home sick! But then I think of the snow you are getting right now and am content to be here!