Friday, February 6, 2009

12 weeks

This past week I had my 12 week appt. Heard a good, strong heartbeat! Already starting to get the question "Are you going to find out what you are having?". As far as I am concerned, the verdict is still out. I found out with the first two, but this will be a planned, scheduled c-section, so might be nice to keep something a surprise. (I guess the kid could always make an early entrance though.)
We have been staying close to home! JR has gone out winter camping this afternoon/evening. I can't wait until it warms up enough for him to take the boys out for an overnight. There is of course so much I want to get done, cleaned, organized, projects finished, etc. I am currently working on my t-shirt quilt. I have everything cut out and ready to put together, just trying to figure the best way to put it together.
J continues to use the potty some. We give him some Pez candy when he does, so there is a little bit of incentive. He has started making the connection with peeing in there, he just has not gotten the 'logistics' down. He will sit on the potty but forget to aim in the toilet. I forgot to tell JR this little tidbit. JR got excited when J took him by the hand and walked to the bathroom. J climbed on the toilet and insisted that JR sit on the stool in front of him. When J started peeing, I dont' think JR had moved that fast in a long time. However, we reward it, because at least he is trying!
JR and I are going out to dinenr with another couple friend tomorrow night. (I have a mystery dinner shop I need to do.) I don't know when the last time was we went out with another couple and no kids. Will be really nice. Hope to get some dominoes in!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please send me your pattern. Please!! :)

I haven't found one here that I like.
