Saturday, March 22, 2014

The boys are loving day light savings time.  More than one evening they have been out past 7 playing.  I foresee lots of independence this summer.  All three of them rode bikes several blocks with the teen age neighbor boy down to the school to play.  Seems there are more kids in the neighborhood now and they get games of hide and go seek going.  This is when I wish we had front yards for them to play in, but they always make do and they don't seem to know the difference.

I have taken away most of the toys because we were just having too many issues with clean up, etc.  It amazes me how they are able to entertain themselves.  They are playing more games, coloring, etc.  I even think they may be getting along a little better.

I continue to plod through work outs.  There was about a 3 week period where I felt like I had quit making progress and just maintaining.  Part of it was due to my knee hurting.  However, I have rebooted and hopefully back on track.  I have been running sprints at a speed equivalent to 7.5 miles an hour.  I am finding that it is much more comfortable to run at this speed than a slower jog - although I tire much quicker.  I have not run outside yet...I am told it is much different than a treadmill.  I like the treadmill because it keeps my pace consistent.  Maybe this week if the weather holds I will get outside and run.

Found some pictures of when Jbird had his birthday cake that never got posted.  He wanted to put all the candles on his cake.

Another great day on the ski hill....the sun was out most of the day and once the cold air warmed up, it was really nice.  So thankful the boys have taken to it and can find their way around the mountain.  One of these days I will ski with them and get some pictures that are not on the bunny hill.

The ever elusive B...He is figuring out the ski poles.

A rare shot of Jbird still....

You can't tell in the photo, but this kid dances as he comes down.  Next time I need to get a video.

Jbird on the lift....

And guess who is big enough now to ride solo...I was a little nervous, but the lift operator had been watching him all day and she said he does great!

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