Thursday, May 20, 2010

We are in North Dakota. Fairly good trip. The boys are already exhausted and bedtime is a chore! We are at a friends in Fargo. Today we walked over this bridge that spanned the interstate (the boys have always wanted to go over things like that). They loved it and it was a good workout. Went to a few parks, some of which were packed with kids on end of year field trips. We wound up at a skate park. The boys got out their scooters and loved it. There was a kid there that was almost 4 and was really good on his board. Plus, he rode his bike (without training wheels) up and over the 'ramps'. He was so impressive, I asked his mom his name. I am convinced that I will see Moses at some point on You tube or in competitions on tv when he is older. Moses' mom commented about how natural J appeared. Maybe a sport I should expose him to more often.
JB has finally figured out the depth perception thing, I think. He will now crawl over to the side of the bed and just look down, watching. He still has not attempted to crawl up the steps, so don't have to worry about those just yet (atleast from the bottom). He loves to stand up in his crib and reach through the railing to see what he can touch/grab. Sometimes it is several Kleenex, sometimes he turns the radio down, sometimes he likes to drop his dog over the side, all the while just laughing.
Entered a whole new realm last Thursday with B. We went to an informational meeting for Cub Scouts...something I know nothing about. Seems that when kids are in first or second grade (they were doing early recruitment) that parents need to attend everything with them. Sounded a little overwhelming but we will give it a shot. I think he most enjoyed the cookies! I know that was his favorite part of t-ball. Getting the juice boxes and treats after the games. Last night was his last game (since we won't be here next week). The kids were all over the place. One inning the coaches pulled two kids and had them sit in the dugout. I thought it was cute when after the game the coach told the kids "I want you all to be checking your mailboxes this weekend because I will be sending you all an invitation to come back to earth before our next game".
J hopped on his bike after the game and rode the whole way home again!
Last Friday, since it was B's last day of Kindergarten, we went up to the school to have lunch with him. He gets to invite one friend to sit with us. Today it was Kynzi. She is such a cutie. We were talking today and she told me she knows a little boy who acts like a girl sometimes. I told her that was okay and that there are little girls that act like little boys. Her eyes got big and she looked right at me and said "I know, you are looking at one.". After lunch we went to the playground for their recess. There were about 15 kids that took turns pushing JB around in the stroller. J had a ball running around trying to keep up with everyone.
From there we went to the pharmacy to pick up some medicine for JB (eye infection and on the way to an ear infection). While we waited in line, J sat down on the floor and before I knew it, he had fallen asleep leaning against the wall. I had to wake him up and he promptly fell back asleep. Poor guy is just exhausted!
Off to Wausau Wisconsin tomorrow, Janesville, Wisconsin on Thursday and Cleveland, Ohio on Friday!
Hope to post some pictures this weekend.

1 comment:

The Sullys said...

Can't wait to see you all! Drive safe!