Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day weekend

Yesterday we decided to drive a few hours away for an overnight. Nothing specific to do, except for a change of pace. We stayed at a hotel with a fun water playland. The kids enjoyed swimming. It was the first time for JB in the water and he loved it. He would have sat all day in his little float kicking and bouncing. He enjoyed taking in all the sights and sounds of the other kids. J liked hanging out in the hot tub more than the pool (I was happy to oblige). At one point he was running, yes, how many times have we told him not too, and sure enough, he fell. He was wearing his goggles and got a nice little cut on the corner of his eye. It swelled up a bit and had a little bruise. B was practicing swimming. He did great when he was focused on the task at hand. However, when he was playing on the play structures and fell into the water, he would freak out. He would just flap his arms and do the bob thing. One time I was watching him from across the room and realized that I did not think he could get to safety and the kids around him were clueless. I ran across the pull and grabbed him. I guess it is going to take being exposed to many different situations and just becoming comfortable without an adult right next to him. He can do it. When I remind him to put the top of his forehead in the water, that always gets him horizontal in the water.
Two weeks before we head out on our (the boys and I) road trip. Still not sure about specifics but know generalities. Our current route has us traveling about 83 hours on the road in 21 days and covering 10 states. We will definitely hit Niagra Falls and toying with a different route on the way back and hitting Mount Rushmore.
Attended my first Zumba class last week. I really liked it but there is only 1 class offered a week. At least the weather should be nice this week and hoping to go on some long bike rides with the boys.
T-ball is coming along. B is really enjoying it and I am enjoying getting to meet some different moms and kids.
Some friends let B borrow some beginning reader books for the summer and I am amazed at how many times he initiates wanting to read. I am afraid though that he is memorizing the words and keeps 'rereading' them and not really working on reading. Will need to try to find him some good online worksheets for the car. I am sure if I put them in a really cool superhero notebook, that would be all it would take.
Wanted to send out a great big Happy Mother's Day to my mom....thanks for all the countless hours you sacrificed for me. I am getting it, I really am.

1 comment:

kerry said...

It doesn't matter whether they memorize the words. Encourage it! It keeps them interested in books, and goodness, that's hard to do when they get older and they would rather be doing ANY thing other than read!