Monday, March 22, 2010


We are home!!!!
I am thanking God that the weather was clear all but about 15 minutes of the trip. (It is suppose to snow all week here at home). Actually all day Sunday the weather was sunny and mid 60s most of the way.
We left Texas 2:15pm on Saturday and got home Sunday at 9:15pm. Pretty good for only 1 driver and 3 small kids. It helped that JB woke me up Sunday morning at 5am and I could not go to sleep, so we left the motel Sunday at 5:30. Made for a very long day but they were troopers. The boys did not even watch one DVD on the way home. They sat in the back coloring and playing. When it would get quiet, it did not take long for J to start knock knock jokes. If you have never been privileged to hear jokes learned from 5 year old brother, let me share. It goes something like this....
Knock Knock
Whose there
Underwear who
Underwear.....on your head.
The next time it would be underwear on your foot, etc. Only 5 year old boys and their little brothers could laugh at those.
21 days, 7 different 'beds' and 4,464 miles. I am pleased to say that only one thing ended up MIA and that was a pair of pajama bottoms. Only 3 items were left at a stop but they have all been found. (I have figured out how to do things differently- and more efficiently-for our big road trip late May out to Ohio to see my oldest niece graduate from high school.)
Saturday morning before leaving I was able to get together with all 13 cousins (minus my sister) on my dad's side. Sure was fun to see the next generation coming up and to watch everyone interact. I think it had been at least 10 years since the last time we got together and sadly, all but 3 of us live within 4 hours of each other.
On Saturday late afternoon as I was pushing along, I was on a two lane road headed west. The sunset was dead center, huge and right in front of me on the horizon. Sure was beautiful but made the oncoming traffic silhoutted. We passed more wind turbine farms and this time it was daylight. We were talking about the massive size and J pipes up with "Wow, spiderman could climb those" to which B said "I bet you he could even throw his web and swing between them.
I was so excited to get to my favorite gas station in northern Wyoming. On the way down the gas was 2.29. I was shocked to find out 3 weeks later it was 2.57.
JB spent a total of 31 hours in his carseat (I left him sleeping in it when we got to the motel) with the exception of the 2-3 minutes I would take him out to change him. The last 2 hours of the trip, even the laid back whatever kid was crying and ready to be home. He will be on the floor playing for the next couple of days.
Yeehaw for Motel 6. I found two of them on the road that were under $35 (including tax). Definitely the way to go if you are just there to sleep.
JR did quite a few projects around the house. One of which was finally setting up my new 'office'. He definitely missed all the chaos and is glad to have us back home.


The Sullys said...

Shannon I am so glad you guys made it home safe. I think your boys called me yesterday (Sunday) from your cell phone. It was funny! I thought it was you at first :o)

Anonymous said...

Glad your safe and sound.