Thursday, August 15, 2024

 Football 2 a days start tomorrow!!  It means summer is basically over for the boys!

The last several mornings I have gotten up and put on a light jacket as I leave for work.   Wearing jeans and flip flops is my favorite time of the year.

Jacob is quickly stacking cash and hoping to buy a truck by the end of the year.  He has been looking online and is shocked at how much cheaper trucks are in other parts of the country!

We celebrated Joseph's 15th birthday last week!  Hard to believe.  He can now go to the gym by himself and is loving that freedom.  We continue to practice his driving.  He does really well.  I keep telling him if I yell at him, its not because I am mad....just concerned for the moment.

JR is trying to get his big staining project finished at work.  He has his sights on several back packing trips.  One is local and the other is Wind River Range.  Perfect time of year to go, with the summer crowds gone.

Benjamin makes an appearance once or twice a week.  He has been showing up more in the evenings and grabbing food - love it.

Work continues along for me.  We are moving into a season of huge swings and construction cleans.  I have a new appreciation of trying to schedule hard when you need 3 one day and 8 the next.

With football games looming, the big unknown is if Joseph will play on the freshman team or the JV.  My guess is he will get more playing time on the freshman team but suit up for JV.  What that means for me....JV and Varsity play Friday nights and Freshman play Saturday mornings and if JV/Varsity are home, Freshman is away and vice versa.  So, that possibly means football from 3pm-9:30 on Friday nights and Saturdays 9-11:30 (with a 2-3 hour drive between the games)  Lots of bleacher time!  As long as it isn't super cold, I am good.

Not much else happening!!!

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