Friday, November 12, 2021

 Yesterday we received some snow!!  It will warm back up a little bit, but not much.  Guessing winter has arrived!

On Monday Jacob had his football award ceremony.  The coaches gave out 6 specific awards and Jacob got "Dedication to Improve".  He got a nice plaque with his name on it!  So fun for him.  Basketball tryouts have not begun yet but pretty sure that Jacob will be on the team.  The coach alluded to him that he wanted to have Jacob on the rooster.  I asked Jacob about his playing time and his answer surprised me.  He said he really didn't care if he played much or not.  He was doing this to stay in shape and just to be a part of a team.  He knows there are a handful of players with more experience, so he falls probably somewhere just outside of the top 5 starters.  He is by far the social, gotta get involved kid!

Benjamin plods along.  He still pulling 4-6 shifts a week between the two jobs.  He recently went with his welding class/school to see two different college campuses, an hour/hour and half away. Not sure that he is interested in either one of them, but gave him the exposure. He did say one of the schools was $13k a year for in state students.

Joseph is doing 6th grade basketball.  It is mostly just practices and drills, but they are hoping to get in an official game or two.

I saw the dermatologist today for the yearly skin check.  He decided he wanted me to go through another round of the, for lack of better word, the topical chemotherapy cream.  I did it a few years ago and at that time it was a 21 day regimen, twice a day.  This time around, the lotion is paired with another lotion and its only 4 days long.  This new doctor, unlike the last doctor, was more than willing to answer my questions and be very straight forward with me.  (He said I don't have anything super concerning but he wants to head of some potential issues that look like they could be brewing.)  He said it will not be pleasant and I probably would not like him going forward.  He had recently used it too.  I will start it on Monday, finish Thurs and hopefully be totally clear by the following Thursday.  I just plan on hunkering down, it will probably look pretty bad.  He is having me do my ears and neck too, which last time was just my face.

Not much else going on.  Waiting to get Benjamin's work schedule for Thanksgiving week, to see if we can plan a day/overnight outing!

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