Sunday, November 15, 2020

 Joseph finished his quarantine and the day he went back to school, Jacob started a quarantine.   Benjamin is still home for the month because high school didn't have enough subs to cover the teacher absences.  This alone has created a huge issue within the school district.  Not sure how they will solve this one.

Last weekend I was hit with a very short lived something or another.  The fatigue lasted longer than any other symptoms.  So, had a pretty chill week last week.  I think I left the house maybe twice all week.

Last weekend Benjamin and Jacob were horsing around and things got ugly.  Jacob kicked Ben and ended up breaking a bone in his right hand.  We were at the hospital at midnight last Friday.  Ended up at the orthopedic surgeon this past Thursday and they did surgery the following day.  Benjamin was very excited to get it taken care of.  He is ready to start working again.  The surgery went well, they input a plate.  He had a nerve block, but it did not take.  It became pretty obvious when the surgery was started that something was not right.  Poor kid, he was a mess by the time I got back to him.  In a lot of pain.  The nurses, doctor, etc were all incredibly impressed with how well he did though.  Such a trooper.  He had about 3 days worth of pain meds and that was it.  On Wednesday he will go to the PT to get a removeable splint made.  Then the following day, Thursday, it is jaw surgery.  Two major surgeries in one week!

This next weekend the boys and I head to Ohio for Thanksgiving.  Looking forward to lots of lounging and just being with family!  Looks like they are in for some decent weather!

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