Thursday, November 26, 2020

 Thanksgiving 2020!

A year that will forever be etched in the hearts and minds of everyone, world wide.  Who would have ever known a year ago, what we would face a few months into 2020.  There will be residual affects for years to come.  What am I thankful for....

*A God who is in control and bigger than anything that we would ever face.  Doesn't mean it will be easier, but anything difficult and yet in His will, is better than anything outside of His perfect design for us.

*The fact that JR and I never saw a blip in our jobs/income through Covid


*As much as our 1500 square foot home tends to feel like the walls are closing in, it is adequate and I am realizing the bigger the house, the more it will drive us apart, as we all would tend to retreat to our own little corners.  So yes, thankful a larger house has not become a reality.

*Toaster ovens

*Church leadership that was not afraid to seek out health department recommendations and pull out all the stops to keep us meeting weekly

*Watching my boys turn into young men

*Technology that somewhat allowed the boys to continue schooling, even though it was not in person

*Sweatshirts and leggings

*Boys that enjoy being in the kitchen and cooking

*Day after day of 'lockdown' and we all survived, and quite honestly, thrived more than I would have anticipated

*All extra curricular activities, and life as anyone knew it, came to a halt and forced us to focus on the bare necessities.  Included daily family walks and board games

*Conversations with Ben as he is thinking about life after high school (he is a junior)

*The internet that provided amazingly fun ideas and on some days, hours of entertainment

*Watching football games with the boys

*Health - Ben recently has been through two surgeries and so thankful we are not forever tied to lots of medicines and doctor appointments

*Going to the gym with the boys

Happy Thanksgiving.  So much to be thankful for, even in the midst of chaos, uncertainty and lots of fear. 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

 Joseph finished his quarantine and the day he went back to school, Jacob started a quarantine.   Benjamin is still home for the month because high school didn't have enough subs to cover the teacher absences.  This alone has created a huge issue within the school district.  Not sure how they will solve this one.

Last weekend I was hit with a very short lived something or another.  The fatigue lasted longer than any other symptoms.  So, had a pretty chill week last week.  I think I left the house maybe twice all week.

Last weekend Benjamin and Jacob were horsing around and things got ugly.  Jacob kicked Ben and ended up breaking a bone in his right hand.  We were at the hospital at midnight last Friday.  Ended up at the orthopedic surgeon this past Thursday and they did surgery the following day.  Benjamin was very excited to get it taken care of.  He is ready to start working again.  The surgery went well, they input a plate.  He had a nerve block, but it did not take.  It became pretty obvious when the surgery was started that something was not right.  Poor kid, he was a mess by the time I got back to him.  In a lot of pain.  The nurses, doctor, etc were all incredibly impressed with how well he did though.  Such a trooper.  He had about 3 days worth of pain meds and that was it.  On Wednesday he will go to the PT to get a removeable splint made.  Then the following day, Thursday, it is jaw surgery.  Two major surgeries in one week!

This next weekend the boys and I head to Ohio for Thanksgiving.  Looking forward to lots of lounging and just being with family!  Looks like they are in for some decent weather!

Friday, November 6, 2020

 Two months gone!  Benjamin and Jacob both had a shortened football season, but at least got some games in.  It seemed like it was hit and miss a few weeks, with COVID number of spectators, few games cancelled, etc.  I did not even get any pictures this year, not even in their uniforms.  Jacob was his favorite, #2, and Benjamin was #59!  Fortunately, we only had one really chilly game day!

Joseph was sent home this past week to quarantine.  One of the girls whom he sits adjacent to, tested positive, so as a precaution he was sent home.  His quarantine will only last for 7 days.  And starting tomorrow, the high school is sending all the kids home for the remainder of November because there is a substitute shortage.  With teachers having to be out, due to quarantine or their own kids quarantining, or just plain sick, they don't have enough subs to pull from.  (Our community traditionally votes down any levies, which is money for everything inside the buildings, including staff, and we pay considerably less than other nearby school districts for subs, so....)  Will be working really hard to get Benjamin on a schedule.  I do not want to slip back into summer routines of staying up late and sleeping in.

Now that football is over, Benjamin has gotten more shifts at work.  He is very thankful to see larger paychecks.  He has found out very quickly how easy one gets use to having money.  Although our community leaders are meeting tomorrow to discuss if we need to increase our covid mandates, which could mean Level 1 and a lot of non essential businesses having to shut down or greatly reduce their capacity.  So, his immediate paychecks could still be in jeopardy.  Benjamin has his jaw surgery coming up the week before Thanksgiving.  Because his upper jaw did not grow outward, he has a weird bite and it is starting to cause problems.  So they will go in and insert 4 vertical plates, to move the upper jaw forward, like 6 millimeters.  The doctor has said there is usually not any pain, so to speak, but more  so swelling and he has to eat soft foods for a week or so.  The good news, when he leaves the house, he is wearing a mask, so the swelling probably won't even be noticed by others. 

I have been working quite a bit, sometimes 35 hours a week, but also trying to balance it with things around the house.  I have taken a break from Crossfit and decided to go to the gym Ben and JR go to.  Jacob is old enough to also go, but he needs a parent.  Fun to see him in the gym!  Joseph is itching to go, but has to wait another year and half.

Over the past few months, I have taken Bree to a facility for single days, just to get her playing with other dogs.  Our yard is so small and even when we take her on walks, she just doesn't burn enough energy.  (She does best when I run her with the car, and she does very well.  Somedays going 4-5 miles!)  I took her about a month ago and while she was there she jumped their fence...their 6 ft fence!  It was not a clear jump, like deer, but she somehow manages to get her front paws over the top and then uses her back legs to get her over.  Crazy.  But she jumps the fence and then runs around to the office door.  So, I took her a few days ago.  When I pulled up, she did not want to get out of the van.  It took about a minute to coax her out of the van.  In the past she has loved the place and literally spends all day running and playing.  Was hesitant to leave her but did.  I called about lunch time just to make sure she wasn't giving them any more troubles and she had jumped the fence twice already.   The owner said she did great for about 3 hours running and playing.  Then he went into where the dogs were and Bree came over to him and he petted her, talked to her, etc.  He went back into the office and within 5 minutes she had jumped the fence and come around to the office door.  He thinks she really enjoys other dogs but loves her humans.  Both times she jumped was almost immediately after he had been around her, petting her, etc.  So, as much as they love Bree, she is not going back anytime soon.

JR is gearing up for snow.  We  had a big dump the end of October, but thankfully his snow contracts did not start until Nov 1.  This weekend the cold and snow return!!