Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thankful 2017

Thankful for the older ages of my boys (they can cook, get themselves to and from school, do laundry) which results in me being able to focus on other things when I need to.
Thankful that we are approaching Christmas, where we celebrate the miraculous birth of the one who saves us from our own wicked selves.
Thankful for a job that I can do from home, on my own timetable.
Thankful for a quiet, safe neighborhood.
Thankful for Family Dollar and Dominos being so close that my boys can get there and back. Perfect for those times when I just need one thing from the store or I am gone for dinner and they can go eat.
Thankful that my niece is living her now and my boys get to experience life with family close by.
Thankful for Alexa...a device that plays music when you ask her to. She has an extensive playlist and it is wonderful for Joseph, who still struggles with his speech at times. By her not being able to understand him, it helps him to self-correct/hear his errors.
Thankful that this place is not my home.  I have absolute assurance of an eternal home.
Thankful for the winter, which means puzzles, earlier bedtimes, hot chocolate and snow ice cream.
Thankful for JR's work ethic and his amazing clients who never fail to pay their bills.
Thankful for the elementary principal who issues reading challenges. Joseph and I decided to shoot for the 10,000 pages and it means lots of together time with him.
Thankful for recent trip I took with my mom, sister and brother. (Having older kids means hopefully more trips in the future)
Thankful for good health and the ability to do what I do at Crossfit.
Thankful for a God that is in control, despite how much our world and culture seem to be spinning out of control.

So much to be thankful for....hope you stop and consider all you are blessed with, big and small.

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