Sunday, August 21, 2016

The count down to school!!  This is our last full week of summer.

We watched a decent amount of the Olympics this year.  So fun to finally have the boys old enough to express interest in certain athletes.  We have had lots of conversations about how athletes are not made over night.  You have to train, train and train.  You have to fuel your body well.  You have to get good rest.  Two of the boys wake up and do some training in the morning....sit ups, push ups, pull ups, running sprints in the driveway, etc.  I tell them every little bit helps.

Our 4H group recently had a big obstacle challenge, that the kids really enjoyed.  There were small teams and each team member rotated through doing different elements.  One caveat...whoever was doing the challenge had to hold a water balloon (Joseph put the balloon in his shirt and that is why his shirt is in his mouth).

They still had their balloon half way through (for some reason I did not get Jacob participating or maybe he was just too fast for me to catch up and grab my camera).

This is Benjamin.  He had to get in a raft and hand paddle across a pond.  The last element was a team member pulled the raft out of the pond and then ran around the pond carrying a worm (not sure why a worm...).

Some of the kids swam (Jacob and Joseph).

We had a podium ceremony for the top three teams.  Candy was the prize!

As the sun set it was getting very cold but they ended with a water balloon fight.  Glad our heater works well in the car because we had to turn it on.

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