Tuesday, August 25, 2015

(Disclaimer...because I am sometimes good about posting and then other times the days get away from me, I decided earlier this summer that I would write up a post and then post date it to publish on a later date.  I have also been way more intentional about taking my camera everywhere and posting the mundane to the exciting.  It is getting to where my posts are starting to back up and when the post actually goes up, it happened 5-7 days ago.  I will probably continue post dating because school is starting soon and I am sure my content will drop off some - unless the kids want me to follow them around school with my camera -  So don't be confused in the coming days when I post about a recent fun outing and school has started)

Another bridge jumping outing.  This time we took about 6 other friends with us.
This is Jacob and his best buddy Cameron.

There was a dad there with his daughter and the dad was jumping off the top.  I liked both of these shots.

Jacob actually crawled under the bridge and went across the cables to drop into the water.

Everybody was rooting for Joseph to jump, even giving him a pep talk.

Yet another pep talk!

And another

He thought jumping while holding on to the rope might be easier...however, we quickly shot that down.

He was so bummed and upset that he never got up the nerve to jump.  Thankful that big brother helped to console him!

I never got one of my boys jumping off the bridge, but can't wait to.  I love how this one of Cam turned out.  (Benjamin was at camp both times we jumped off the bridge, so he has yet to go with us)

My "I love mud" boy.

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