Thursday, May 15, 2014

I fell off the blogging bandwagon!  The time that JR and JB were in Texas I was not on the computer much.  I spent my time on projects or playing.

They got back from Texas on Sunday and all in all a great trip!  JR did not see as many animals as he had hoped (shot 2 small pigs, 2 foxes and 2 rabbits).  He kept talking about the experience of hunting in the Texas elements!

We are down to our last 3 weeks of school.  Hard to believe that Memorial Day weekend is 7 days away!  Just looked at the weather and mid 70s is in store!  Just might have to consider camping!

The boys spend every day outside playing with the neighborhood kids.  The youngest 2 particularly play hard!  I took my camera outside to get some pictures, but somehow they all got erased, except Jbird performing his latest 'stunt'.

He can ride an entire block without hands!  I predict it is just a matter of time before JB follows suit.  (Notice the snow in the mountains, this picture was taken just 2 days ago!)

We have been playing a lot of basketball.  I even go out there sometimes without the kids and just shoot.  So nice to be outdoors.

Trying to get some summer plans nailed down.  Lining up the car rental stuff and looking at the possibility of a few other side 'gigs' this summer.  No road trips planned, but that does not mean one won't happen.  B is signed up for his first overnight camp.  We were talking about camp tonight and he was telling me he did not want to go.  I knew he was tired and when he gets tired, he gets pretty emotional.  Then I told him about the money I sent in for him to spend at the camp store (ie candy, soda, etc) and he quickly thought about it and how much fun it actually sounded!  Other than a few Vacation Bible Schools, we don't have much else on the calendar.  Laying low this summer and I am looking forward to it.

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