Friday, October 18, 2013

B recently learned about Dioramas at school. I can't remember which book/movie he created his diorama on, but here it is.

Last night (usually it is Fridays but we have Friday commitment this week) was pizza night. I made the dough and the younger two did everything from roll it out to put on all toppings.


I recently had to have another conversation with one of the boys about how sneaky they had been recently and getting into things they knew not to. A few days later that same son came back to me and said "mom, about my sneaking...don't you think I am pretty good at couldn't I have a job doing it some day?" Then we again had the talk about how his kind of sneaking is bad and does not honor God. Then I started brainstorming jobs and about all I could come up with for sneaky legal jobs was private investigator. Anyone else have any other ideas?

Our warm days are coming to an end pretty quickly. Here is JB waiting for the bus before school - did not want to flash his smile.....

One of the highlights of my day is walking down the street by myself to meet the other two as they come home from school. B will usually stay with me and chat about his day, while J rides for home. They both seem so excited and eager to see me...they are often calling out my name a block before they reach me.

Hoping to head out to a pumpkin carving tomorrow - if we get there early enough. They usually run out! Other than soccer, that is our weekend!

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