Friday, August 2, 2013

This kiddo left today for his 2 night over-nighter.....

(Just last night I was looking at lots of pictures and amazing how much older he looks since November...his longer hair really makes him look older)

Why is this always his 'dafault' pose when I pull out the camera.....silly boy (he does it well though)

He was so excited, he had a hard time sleeping. He wanted to take his book and drawing supplies and I assured him he would not get bored on the van or at camp.

Last night we had a huge hail storm. Some of the pictures posted on facebook are crazy of the clouds. It hailed for 20 minutes.  It is coming down.

The hail was bouncing back up as it hit the ground.

The boys got on bicycle helmets, gloves and sweatshirts and went out there. Unfortunately, it took them so long to get dressed they missed most of the hail. But sure found out how it can hurt. Fortunately there was no damage that we know of, except leaves every where.

JR and the other two boys are leaving tomorrow for overnight camping. I get some down time. I have to work some (there are 3 families expecting their rental vehicles at of those vehicles is getting dropped off at 11:30, the second vehicle's party is departing at 1:30 and the third party departing at 2). Not sure how I am suppose to have all vehicles ready by noon.

Off to read books to the boys.

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