Friday, May 10, 2013

I got the 'email' from a family member that it had been too long since I posted :-)
Busy week. It was teacher appreciation at the school and between that, wrapping up other stuff before the trip and cub scouts, I was pretty pre-occupied.

The cast is off. The PA saw us yesterday, instead of the doctor. He told J that he probably stills need some support so better to use a brace for a few weeks. He told J to wear it when he needed it. Silly PA, what was he thinking, J needs it all the time. He is so kamakaze! I told J that he had to wear it until we left for our trip. He could take it off for a shower and to sleep. J did not like it. Then the PA saw the error in his statement and told him mom was right. He had to wear the brace all the time or he would put another cast on it for a few weeks. He opted for the brace.

Here are a few pictures!
JB was eating outside as we waited for the bus. (Just love the snow boots and sleeveless shirt)

One reason it is so hard to believe that we have just now experienced our first broken bone. The younger two are very daring.

A cast did not slow him down.

They were so proud of themselves that they could both flip at the same time.

JB will even go to the parallel bar at school, swing his feet up and flip over!

Soccer has started again. The boys are in a soccer academy, instead of the traditional soccer league. Lots and lots of drills with throw together 3 v 3 or 4 v 4. The kids are divided by ages. J has gotten the okay from the coach to play up with the 7 and 8 year olds.

The other day B could not find his soccer socks - no surprise there. So, he grabbed some of his dad's gray wool socks and wore them over his shin guards. Then the next day for school he could not find socks - no surprise there, on any given day I can find 10-20 socks laying in odd places around the house. So, he grabbed a white ankle sock and one of his gray wool socks. The following day, he still could not find socks, so grabbed another pair of wool socks - wearing them with shorts! My eldest...he cracks me up. Glad he is not too concerned about what others think of his attire. I imagine it is only a matter of time before that changes.

Quiet weekend in store...

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