Thursday, April 18, 2013

Well, it finally happened. I wondered when the first broken bone would arrive. This last Monday evening the boys were horsing around. Jbird ended up falling off the bed. He left wrist (he is right handed) swelled up a little, he was not using it and it woke him up several times that night. He demanded that next morning to go to a doctor before he went to school. Headed to the local Urgent Care and sure enough, a small fracture. What they call a buckle fracture - a pretty common thing in kids that age. Since it was on the growth plate, we got the orthopedic referral. They splinted it at Urgent Care and sent us on our way. He was convinced that his life was over, kids would laugh at him and he would not go to school until he got it off. Fortunately by Wednesday morning, he was ok with it. Today we went to orthopedic doctor. They put a short cast on it and we have a follow up in 3 weeks, which I anticipate the cast will be removed.

I found it interesting as she started to prepare the (blue)cast, she made a comment about not being able to get the cast wet. I asked her if they still do waterproof casts. She said they do, but insurance won't pay for it, so I would have to pay the extra $25 out of pocket. The reason insurance won't pay for it, the waterproof liner is not medically necessary! For my sanity, I paid the $25. It was way worth more than that to me. No more putting a bag over his arm. He is armed with a black sharpie for all his friends tomorrow at school.

He has yet to let me take a picture...he has informed me that he does not like me telling everyone what is going on in his life. JR told him that he was the first one in the family with a cast and Jbird said "no, momma has had a broken body lots of times". Let's just hope he does not take after him mother in that department.

JB is rocking occupational therapy. She already has seen great improvement in a few areas. Just like all the other therapists, she talks about what a hard worker he is. He has finally learned how to say B's full first fun to hear it. At preschool they are talking about what a chatter box he has been lately!

B gets to go out to eat tomorrow with his teacher for lunch. It was part of a special deal they made. B kept us his end of the deal, so off to lunch they go. Due to some recent happenings at the school though, it has been recommended (by the principal) that I go with them. So, I am picking him up and we are meeting his teacher at the pizza place. I told them I would happily sit at a table by myself and eat a nice quiet lunch!

Not much happening this weekend...just a cub scout activity!

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