Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The weather the last couple of days has been gorgeous!  The 'not a cloud in the sky' gorgeous.  With just a little snow on the mountains...beautiful.  Had a very quiet weekend.  Saturday was our 11th anniversary.  Had planned to get out Saturday afternoon/evening - something like hiking or bike ride.  However, our babysitter forgot and made other plans.  Oh well.  The older two boys and I were at a bbq so we were able to stay another 2 hours over there.  Then the highlight on Sunday was watching B tear it up on the soccer field.  That kid focused.  He had a drive I had not seen.  He even had a shot at a goal but missed, but at least it meant he was ahead of the pack and moving quickly down field!

Recently I took the boys to a Farm and Ranch show.  We were looking at the tractors and saw one of the 'jumping displays'.  Where they have small trampoline tires set up and they hook kids up to harnesses.  The boys were begging to do it.  I was not real excited about forking over the money, especially when you have to times it all by 3.  I told them if they were willing to take money out of their allowance to reimburse me for half, they could do it.  They quickly agreed.  Turns out you have to be 30 pounds so JB was just big enough.  The guy running it said they were very slow and they would give me a deal, all three kids for $15.  I said sure.  I gave him a $20, he handed me a $5.  He walked away and then came back to give me a $5.  I told him he already gave me my change and he insisted he had a $10 in his hand and had gone to get me a five.  He insisted, so I relented and let all three jump for $10.  They loved it.  JB was just heavy enough and he was grinning ear to ear.  Not scared in the least.  He probably went close to 8 feet high.  Jbird and B were having a ball, probably getting 15 plus feet.  Of course my camera was in the car.  After they were done they watched some older kids do and have told me next time they will try a flip!

Every time we ride in the car, JB is pointing to all the familiar landmarks.  Just amazes me how he remembers things.  We will pass a friends' house that we have not seen in weeks.  As soon as JB sees it, he is pointing and making noises.  The dentist office, the donut shop, Aaden's house, Joe's house, the doctor office.  Jbird has been going around singing the song 'I am sexy and I know it'.  Could not figure out where that came from!  I was talking with his friend's mother and she said her son sings it in front of Jbird.  Her son learned it from all things, an M&M commercial.  Really....???  Who ever thought to put a sexy twist to a candy commercial.

We have new neighbors.  Always scary until they move in...hoping for good, nice, clean, quiet neighbors.  They are!  JB loved supervising them as they were unloading the truck.  I don't know how many times I told him to shut the door and leave them alone.  No kids but a dog that barks a lot when they are gone.  The boys miss their little friends who moved!

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