Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Enjoyed my night away recently. Met a friend and we did some shopping - I even enjoy walking the aisles of Wal-mart when I have no kids, went out to eat and then my favorite part ---- hung at the hotel and played games. She taught me a new board game I had never heard of - Ticket to Ride. Seeing great potential in our house as a way to think ahead, multi-task and learn some more math. The boys survived without too, so a bonus!

We are 2 days into a gluten free diet. I have always wanted to try going gluten free and just had a conversation recently with a friend who is gluten free. Did not sound as difficult as when I had considered 3 years ago when B was diagnosed with some food allergies. I have also heard about how some behavorial changes can be seen in some kids, as well as a few kids it can help with some learning disabilities (in our case, JB and his speech). Not really expecting huge results but will be interesting if it helps us feel better without all that bread around! I am shooting for 3-4 weeks.

I talked with a nearby therapist whose clientele is about 80% apraxia kids. She actually had a cancellation and I took JB in. She had some great ideas about ways to work with him. She answered a lot of my questions and spent about 15 minutes doing one on one with him. She was very impressed with his 'work ethic' and said that is sometimes half the problem, because with apraxia, it is lots of work and drills on the part of the kids. So having a kid so willing to 'drill' is great. She has a full load right now, so can't take on new patients. I think in the meantime I will talk with our current therapists and see if we can switch gears and try some of these new approaches. (This gal was very willing to be a resource for our current therapists if they wanted to call her and learn more of apraxia - they are good therapists, just not familiar with apraxia approaches.) I actually think they are being used a little, just need to focus more on it. I did pick up some things to try with him and am also going to read a really good book that she recommended. The other thing she recommended is starting him on omega 3 fatty acids. She has seen some positives with kids with 'brain' issues once they start the supplement.

Took the boys sledding on Presidents Day. The hill we went to is rather tall and I was not expecting much. However, it was very fast, even with little snow. So fast that I would not let JB go down by himself from the top. I started him about 2/3 of the way down! They had a lot of fun and were worn out from all the climbing!

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