Sunday, December 11, 2011

JB is doing well with his PT and addition of a third speech therapy. I think the addition of the new therapist will prove very beneficial. This last time she taught him how to 'click' with his tongue - putting his tongue behind his top teeth and pulling it down. I actually think he could do this but then she associated that sound with the letter 't' and 'd'. So, now when I ask him to say 'dog', we click first and then I am more successful in getting the 'd' sound. The therapist definitely has a different approach than the one we have been with for a year.

Took B out to Pizza Hut today. He met his reading goal at school, so got a Book It certificate for a personal pan pizza. Football was on and he was non-stop talking about football and cheering for his two favorite teams. Which was funny, because he did not even know who the second team was. The cub scouts were suppose to go sledding yesterday but it got cancelled. Not enough snow. It would have turned into a huge mud fest. There is no snow forecasted for the next week and I think we are suppose to be above freezing. Winter might make a very late appearance. The great thing about December, after the 21st, the days start getting longer!!!

The boys and I played Monopoly again yesterday. It is so funny cause they hear me talk about saving money so that is what B does in Monopoly. He just does not yet get the concept of having to spend money to make money. Of course I will encourage the saving in real life. The other day Jbird was unloading the dishwasher. He was getting frustrated because JB wanted to help. JB would pick up silverware and just drop it in the drawer - he is just inches away from being able to see inside the drawer. Jbird was voicing his frustration over JB wanting to help. Saw another teachable moment about how sometimes mom has a project that despite how much I appreciate their wanting to help, sometimes it is better for them to let mom do it.

I went with a friend last night to see White Christmas, the musical. We were in the nosebleed section, but still a lot of fun. I remembered seeing White Christmas on the screen one time with my grandmother. I was probably in middle school or high school and remember thinking...boring. But walked away from it having loved it.

Heading into town later to grab some groceries and let the kids meander the toy aisles. Not to buy anything, they can just spend hours going from toy to toy. I love to watch them. Then maybe looking at some Christmas lights. The boys have their Christmas programs this week. I am also going to have a few extra kids most of the week, so should be busy.

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