Saturday, November 12, 2011

I don't usually like taking the boys grocery shopping, but there is one store that the boys really enjoy, because they get their own carts.

The two boys look so cute walking beside each other with their own cart. Wouldn't you know, the one time I remember my camera, Jbird refuses to get a cart. The store is very kid friendly. The last time we were in there, the owner was stocking some milk and gave each of the boys a carton of chocolate milk on the house.

JB had several appts. this week. Seems like no two people are seeing the same thing. He saw an occupational therapist, physical therapist and pediatrician. Some of them saw a weakness, but on the opposite side as to last week. Some of them saw some visual tracking problems, others did not. Friday morning he had his hearing test. This is the one area everyone involved has been wanting to get something definite. Today we got definite. He tested within normal ranges for frequencies for his age group. So the audiologist had no concerns at this point about his speech being connected to his not being able to hear everything. The pediatrician had looked at his ears on Wed and all looked good. We will just need to watch them once the ear tubes fall out to see if he regresses. Not that there is much regression that could happen at this point. Still have two eye appointments set up for him in the coming weeks. Otherwise, we will plug along with speech, implementing some new things, praying that they trigger something within him that starts bringing it all together. Might try again finding a daycare for a few hours a week for the socialization. Sometimes being around peers can challenge and push kids more than other situations.
The pediatrician did say that with a second speech therapist coming on board, if we don't see some marked improvement in the next 3-4 months, maybe try seeing a developmental pediatrician in another part of the state. Hopefully we start progressing.

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