Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tomorrow is the first day back to school. Hopefully I will remember to take a picture - and have time to take one. The clothes are laid out, (along with socks and shoes - usually the biggest thing to find in the mornings.)

The other day I sent the boys upstairs to brush their teeth. Jbird came back downstairs using an electric toothbrush. I asked him if it was his toothbrush and he said no. I told him we don't share toothbrushes, that it is gross. He looked at me very matter of factly and said "yeah, we share a toothbrush just like Kenna and Kolby share a cell phone." (their cousins). It is amazing how healthy we stay around here with all the sharing toothbrushes.

Some other random things said lately around here, some of which makes me scratch my head....Today we were driving and B for some reason started talking about turkey. He said 'Mom, I don't think we should have turkey this Thanksgiving. Turkey is just...just... all turkey. We should have hot dogs instead'. (I am thinking hot dogs are a lot easier and cheaper too!) Jbird seems to think that his friend John always gets the cool fun snacks. Yesterday he asked me why John always gets soda when his mom gives it to him (not sure where the question was there). Tonight I made chicken nuggets. (Finally found a quick easy recipe that does not dry out the chicken - chicken with mayo rubbed on it and then the crust is crushed corn flakes.) Jbird was telling B how good they were and said 'I strongly advise you B to put ranch dressing on your nuggets'. I hear so much of myself in them!

Headed to Wal-mart for some back to school shopping. Also picked up some food items, one of which was chicken. I specifically put the chicken in a plastic bag in case it leaked. Loaded up the rest of the cart with erasers, pencils, glue, folders, bathroom stuff, bike stuff, etc. At the checkout, I went to grab the bag of chicken. Chicken juice got all over the stuff in the cart. The cashier and I are wiping everything up with paper towels and she is trying to salvage all she can. (All the while the people behind me are not happy about them being delayed.) After we were done cleaning, she pointed to a trash can behind me where I could throw my paper towel. I turned around and slipped and fell in chicken juice. Not a happy camper. Fortunately it was not a hard fall and I managed to catch myself just before I totally hit the ground. Needless to say, the staff were right on top of me to make sure I was okay.

Things are starting to gear up with cub scouts, Awana, soccer and PTC. Will be a busy fall but excited that it is busy with boys' stuff. Always so thankful that we are in a position where I can stay home with the boys and be involved in their lives. I hope to never take that for granted! God gives those working moms a great ability. I am sure I could pull it off if I had to but very thankful that HE provides just enough for us and that our lifestyle is such that it does not require me to work!

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