Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Took JB in for his 18 month check-up. Poor kid. He is so sick and I did not even realize it. He has two very infected ears (about the 4th time in 6 months), there is some rattling in his lungs, a very red throat, he was just beginning to get a little rash so they tested for strep and we did a complete blood work up. Hopefully the blood work comes back normal and we can get him started on antibiotics. Will need to be watching for a drug reaction though. The doctor even commented on how good he was for how sick he was.

B has his annual blue and gold ceremony this weekend with the cub scouts. He will be moving up the ladder, from a bobcat to a wolf, I believe?

Yesterday a friend took the younger two while B was at school. This is the second week in a row she has done this (we swap) and for 2 straight weeks, I have done nothing productive (housework)!

I have gotten into a really good routine this week. I go to the gym for an hour and then come home and read my chronological bible, shower and get breakfast started all before the boys wake up. Amazing how much smoother my days go! The scale at home has started to move, so I sure hope the one at the weigh in tomorrow night does too.

Although I am behind in my bible reading (going through the one year bible) and wanting to catch up, it is interesting reading things as they actually happened, verses how the bible was put together. Just getting through Genesis so not much different other than Job was inserted towards the beginning of Genesis. Just reading through Genesis again and seeing things a new once again. So much deceit and how that deceit just got handed down from generation to generation. A great reminder to me of how much my kids will follow my example and not necessarily my words!

Just wanted to check in. I know that warmer weather has to come and stay awhile sometime soon. Looking forward to running while the boys ride their bikes. I am pretty confident they both will be keeping me to a pretty fast pace!

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