Tuesday, October 19, 2010

moving on up

B had a great soccer game on Sunday. He was finally in his grove and focused on getting the ball. He still kicked it the wrong way several times but he was charging the ball and not just standing back, watching and encouraging his teammates on. The next morning I even told him again how well he did and as we prayed on our way to school, thanked God for his abilities. (It amazes me how I can often get things across better if I do it in prayer...their little ears perk up when they hear me talk to God about them.)
JB took his first unassisted steps on Sunday. 3 of them. He has also perfected the little pouty look. He can be having a great time, you tell him no and he turns and stares at you. His lips turn into a frown and quiver, his eyes get all watery and then the tears come. He has started throwing himself back and as long as you stand there, he pours it on. As soon as you walk away, he gets over it. Still no words but does a decent job communicating. When thirsty he will go to the cup drawer and find his lid and cup and drag it all over the house to find you.
Jbird still just has lots of volume....does not seem to be a low switch. He is pretty consistent about coming into our room in the middle of the night. Most nights he is staying dry and still proudly announces when he needs to go to the bathroom.
I have been moving furniture around. Furniture gathers stuff, so trying to move it into closets. Keeping the sight zones clear does wonders for me. I am only in closets once or twice a day and then I can close the door. As long as they are organized, I don't care how high things are stacked!
JR has not done any hunting...still pretty warm. The last few weeks have been bow season and Saturday starts rifle, so I expect him to get out more. He is gearing up for a very busy winter season, not only his 'normal' job but the shuttles/taxis he drives to and from airport for his company. This is our winter to really focus and tighten things down and shoot for the 6-8 months worth of living expenses in savings. Will see how we do come spring 2011.
Off to the school for the annual spaghetti feed.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Yay, Joseph! How can he be that big? Love that you're a spaghetti booster mom now. :D My turn next I'm sure.