Friday, September 10, 2010

Another week has flown by!
On Wednesday JR and Jbird (my most commonly used nickname for J these days)left for South Dakota. JR is in a wedding and we debated on whether we would all go. We asked B what he wanted to do and he decided to stay here and not miss any school. With B in school, JB and I have had some fun and I have gotten a lot done. I painted our bedroom (hopefully the bathroom will happen tomorrow), totally organized and rearranged things a bit, had a leisurely lunch with a friend today and planned out all the meals for the rest of the month. I keep hearing how it can save money and time, so giving it a try! I cooked/cut up all the meat and it is now in the freezer.

B's first soccer game is Sunday. He is really enjoying it. All parents have to volunteer one game to be either a line/side judge or referee. I know the bare basics about soccer, so assuming it can't be too difficult or the crowd too harsh! He also has his first den meeting next week. He continues to enjoy school and much to my surprise, makes a mad dash for me at the end of the day with open arms. His teacher seems really on top of it and she is a great communicator (with parents). His teacher last year did not like having contact with parents!

Jbird is having a blast with his dad and all the one on one time. I think it has been great for both of them. He is loving all the fun foods and drinks he gets on vacation and the running around. He slept in until almost 10 am this morning. The place they are staying is in the country with combines, tractors and lots of room to explore. They should be back on Sunday or Monday.

JB has some serious teething going on. He has been a little crabby lately and I understood once I felt the back of his gums. Very swollen and a molar coming in on both sides. He is officially weaned of the bottle. He is a pretty good problem solver, especially when it comes to him figuring out how to get something he wants. I love to watch him pick up hats and put them on his head. He is starting to use his hands more (sign language) when communicating. He can say the word boo and sounded like today he attempted mama.

The boys recently discovered they could give JB rides on their bikes and JB loved it.

This past weekend we met up with a friend in Billings for the day. The boys had a great time swimming at the hotel. B conquered the water slide and I would now consider him a full-fledged swimmer, Jbird loved the hot pool and JB just loved the water. (B is pushing JB)

Here was B's first day of school, that I am finally getting around to. He did not want to smile for the camera.

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