Monday, November 30, 2009


Forever - quite the word around here.
"J-why did you do this...go to your room."

"B pick up your toys please...."
"It is going to take forever"

"J-finish cleaning up your room"
"This is taking fah-evah"

"Mom, I want to go home, this is taking Fah-evah"

"B we are not watching any more movies"

Another thing I am finding myself saying a lot lately is "you know what, life is not fair, so just get use to it"

J has a new game now when he eats. We have a table that my grandparents use to have. It has small 'leaves' on each of the four sides that can drop down. Now, anytime J has food that can be smushed, what does he do? He drops down his leaf, puts the food in there and then closes it back up. I have found pretzels, raisins and many unidentifiable things in the crack of that table. It always seems to happen when my back is turned!

Two days now...two days that the Candy Canes have been on the Christmas tree and I don't think one of them have been open. I have told the boys that if they unwrap anything that is under the tree it is going back to the store. I sure hope none of it becomes an issue with little hands. I think the thing they love the most is taking the ornaments off and playing with them.

Our calendar is clear tomorrow, so hoping to start lots of baking and enjoy being outdoors when the high will be in the teens.

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