Thursday, September 17, 2009


I found it so odd. Today I ran into Old Navy with J and JB. As soon as we walked in, there were 2 mannequins right in front of us. J stood there for the longest time looking at them. I realized that he had probably never seen a mannequin, since we don't frequent stores that have them. I told him they were not real people and then walked up and 'knocked' on one of them. His eyes got really big. Then he smiled and walked up and touched them. As we left the store, he was eyeing them again and I told them he could touch them one more time. He walked up and just about knocked both of them over. It is so fun when one of them discovers something 'new' like that!
The last couple of nights JB has been fussy. I think it is more a matter of overstimulated and can't go to sleep, versus colic. Either way, it has meant two nights I got to sit on the couch and watch Biggest Loser and America's Got Talent. Something I very rarely get to evening TV in large chunks of time.
B had another good week at Kindergarten. He brought home his first 'fundraiser' - ugghh! One thing I have started doing on the way to school in the morning is to pray out loud for B's day. It is amazing the things he will mention for me to pray about. That is one thing I really want to instill in their lives, the importance of prayer. Anytime or anywhere and no request is too small. I also find that when I start praying I get there attention. Sure comes in handy when I am mad and frustrated with them and cry out loud in prayer for patience and wisdom. He is back into AWANA and is a Sparky this year. The local 'Fall Festival' is this weekend and I think he wants to ride on the AWANA float, so hopefully we can get some good pictures.
I attended a PTC (parent teacher committee) meeting tonight. Figured a great way to get plugged in and involved and knowledgable about what goes on. For example, there are two K-3 schools here and we attend the 'older/original' school. I did not realize that the school was built in the 50s and therefore is not wired for this century. Most classrooms only have 1 computer. One of the goals of PTC (long term) would be to get 4 computers in each classroom. However, before that can be done, there has to be $40K worth of electrical work done to support those computers. I knew the school district was very tight for funds and the budget had been cut, but there is no art program and unless the PTC funds a field trip for each class, there will be no field trips.
I had my 6 week check-up today and got the green light to resume all activity.
That's it for now...hopefully more pictures this weekend.

1 comment:

Beth said...

You go to PTC now! You big mama! I can't believe Ben is in K doing fundraisers and all that jazz. Keep up the praying with the kids-it is such a great reminder to pray unceasingly! Thanks. Glad to know you're cleared for all activities too. :-)