Saturday, June 22, 2024

 Summer is in full swing here!  We have had wild Montana weather.  A week ago we had snow and now we are in the 90s.

Joseph is staying busy with work 6am and 4pm football workouts and will soon add driver's ed class time and driving time to that list.  Joseph had his 8th grade promotion so it is off to high school!!

Jacob is busy with football too, landscaping, fishing, hunting and all things friends.  Jacob's allergies have been the worst yet this year - to where he had to sit out part of football practice since he couldn't breath.  I bought him one of those nasal suction machines and  either his allergies haven't been bad the last two days or the machine is working.

We are all anxiously awaiting the football season, so much hype with the new coach, etc.  Joseph has really gotten into football and even volunteering during practice to go up against some of the bigger seniors.  Really fun to see the two of them connect with something.

Ben has been making more appearances around the house, so feels like we see him 1-2 times a week.  He is still doing excavation/ditch work and has that secured until end of October.  Then the work changes to diesel mechanics for the winter and that is nothing that interests him.

Things are rolling along for me at work.  Getting busy and somehow we are able to balance the workload with the staff we have.  JR has lots of summertime projects at work and gearing up for the fall hunting season.

Jacob, Ben and I will be heading to Ohio in a few weeks for my niece's wedding. (Because of driver's ed, Joseph is staying behind with JR)

Random pictures - love seeing progress pictures of Joseph, one of him at work and then his 8th grade promotion.  My football boys, Jose's big summer work project and one of Jacob on a college visit.