Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving 2023

Thankful for

*my sweet and spicy tea

*the harvest from my garden and the ability to can it

*my shoes with great arch support

*2 work trips I took this past year

*5 weeks with my mom in Montana this summer

*another year of good health

*a job and work environment that I continue to really enjoy

*my blankets

*the privilege to watch our boys turn into young men

*my online bible study group/reading plan

*JR's continued low maintenance, good, consistent clients

*provisions this past year that allowed 3 trips to Texas, one to Ohio and lots around the state

*beautiful fall weather, which means less snow on the ground 

*being debt free in this crazy inflation world we are in right now

*for a group of women I have reconnected with through Bible Study Fellowship

*a long family weekend at Rushmore - first family vacation in 13 years

*some jeans that I love wearing

*the time I get to watch our dog Bree play at work with the other dog 

*my pull up bar that allows for great stretches

and lastly, but most importantly, my relationship with Jesus, which continues to be the only thing that truly satisfies

Sunday, November 12, 2023

 With the exception of a few zero degree days and about 6 inches of snow, our amazing fall continues!!  

We are all on auto pilot!

Joseph continues to work 8-12 hours a week.  I think he is leaning towards 8th grade basketball, which will start in January.

Jacob has been hunting 3-4 times a week.  He keeps holding out for the 'big' one.  He finally got a doe recently and it is hanging in the garage.  There is a lot of pride in the fact that he can do it all, start to finish.  The last several months he has been texting a professional hunter.  Did  not know that was even a thing, but it is. This hunter has several sponsors, a podcast and has even been featured on a tv show or two (the names are escaping me).  He told Jacob the best way to get into the industry is to come in as a photographer/videographer.  Well, this coming weekend he is going on a 3 day hunt with him and will do all the filming.  Excited to hear about it and where it might take him.  The hunter did say most of the people he brings under his wing is early 20s, so Jacob has a huge jump on others.

The countdown is on for Benjamin.  He will be moving out the first 2 weeks of December!  He will be about a mile from here, so anticipate we will see him once or twice a week!  He is still mulling over the job situation, but has told me a change will be made by Thanksgiving!

I am headed out of town this week for a big work job.  Taking two of my college age employees, so should be a good time!  I set off for Cleveland a few weeks ago, road tripped out there with my mom.  Always enjoy the one on one and seeing the countryside!!

JR is gearing up for snow shoveling!

A few hunting picture and...a rare shot of Benjamin.  Him and I went to see a comedian, Preacher Lawson.  Really enjoyed it and this was a selfie we got with him.