Monday, January 31, 2022

 Winter rolls on.  It has been a very weird winter for weather.  Huge swings from really cold, to lots of snow and then warm weather and lots of snow melting!

Jacob has hit the ski slopes 6 times already.  I asked him if he had hit the jump yet that he broke his femur on and he said no.  It is much bigger this year and he figured he would wait until after basketball season is over, so he doesn't risk anything.  Smart move J!!!

The last four games the freshman have struggled on the basketball court.  Losing a few games but just one or two points.  They started the season with 10 players.  One almost immediately got sidelined due to a surgery, making it 9.  A freshman who had moved away but came back then made it 10.  Two are now out due to failing grades and one broke their foot last week, so they are down to 7 players.  Means a lot more playing time for everyone, but also really stretches them on the court with not as much rest time.

We are down to the last semester of Ben's high school career.  Still no definite plans, but when asked, his answer is probably the work force.  He really would love to do some international traveling, but with everything so up in the air, I told him he is better off hunkering down and working and saving money.  One of his restaurant jobs is starting to see quite a bit of upheaval with management and control plays.  It has been a great learning lesson for him to see how a well run establishment looks versus one without strong leadership/communication.  Will be interesting to see how things unfold as higher up corporate people are getting involved.  I have told him to take the high road and keep his nose clean.  

My Turo cars are really picking up.  Sure wish we had had some cash laying around to buy a car and get in on the rental car activity.  As the cars have been listed, it is interesting to see how you make slight changes in prices/accessories and all of a sudden the cars are rented out for weeks.  Our airport in 2021 saw almost 2 million passengers!!!  Considering we only have just over a million in the whole state, that is a lot of travelers.  They had to scramble at Christmas time and find/create over 500 parking spaces in outlying fields.  Just nuts around here!!

I have a friend heading out of town for several months and I am going to keep an eye on her place.  Thinking I will take some of my projects to her place so I can leave them out and pop in and out to work on them. A quiet place to retreat will be nice.  Also looking at a weekend away later in February with a friend, staying in state.  Then late April traveling eastward and meeting a few other friends for a ladies retreat.  

JR is looking at several trips this spring and summer.  We of course will party with Ben's graduation early June!  Jacob will have several football camps this summer, as well as working and Joseph, really need to get him plugged in to something!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

 Just some pictures!

Found this of Bree, back in August 2015!  She was so little!

Few basketball pictures!  They still have a winning record and really are fun to watch.

I love the next two pictures....

I am so glad Benjamin is starting to see the value in pictures and not always hiding from the camera!  The last two were pictures taken when he had gone to work with JR one day.

Friday, January 7, 2022

 I just checked out for a bit.  Probably more like not a lot of motivation, for some reason.

The second weekend of December Benjamin and I made a surprise trip out to Ohio for a long weekend.  It was a huge success and we pulled off the epic surprise.  We caught an Uber from the airport so literally surprised everyone.  I was able to see the whole Ohio clan, minus one niece who was in Arizona taking finals!  Finally got to experience the annual Ohio Christmas party, made a quick road trip to Michigan to see another niece and her kids and Ben was excited to hit Top Golf.

Some December pictures!


Two December basketball pictures of Joseph.

After Christmas Eve service the boys and I walked through a local spot with fun lights.

One night we made gingerbread houses.  The kid on the right was one of Jacob's friends.

We have had a very quiet month.  Even during the break, we all slept in and just hung out.  I attempted a few times to get something going, but between Ben's work and Jacob's basketball commitments, hard to nail down time to get away.

The rest of the winter is looking pretty quiet too.  Jacob has basketball most days and the days there is not basketball, he is hitting the ski slopes.  Benjamin is still working 4-5 shifts a week.  Joseph and I just chill at home and JR is just shoveling snow.  Won't be long before things pick up for Benjamin with senior stuff.  Preparations are already underway for the graduation party!!  The countdown is on!