Friday, March 27, 2020

Well, here we sit, finishing up 2 weeks of being home, minus the few grocery trips.  If you had told me a month ago that I would be confined to the house with the boys and live to tell about it, I would have laughed!   We have played a few games and done a few challenges, lots of cleaning and just hanging out.  There have been some pretty chaotic, loud moments too!

Things in our world are not that different.  Both of us are still working and lots going on around us.  The restaurants are only open for take out, gyms, etc are closed and they have just shut down the rest of the non-essentials, like salons, etc.  Tons of construction going on behind us.  It just does not feel like a pandemic to me.  Just feels like summer break and kids don't want to go outside. 

Heartbreaking though, to see what is going on around the world and the country.  We have finally hit triple digits in our cases and had the first state wide death yesterday.  So surreal to think that something so invisible can cripple an entire world.  On the flip side, lots of families getting to spend time together!

Of course nothing going on here.  Last week we celebrated Jacob's 13th birthday!  Hard to believe there are two teenagers in the house.  He spend all day at the trampoline park with a set of twins and had a sleep over.  We went out to eat at the Olive Garden, which was our last outing, so to speak.

The boys have moved to online schooling.  The teachers are getting it figured out and hopefully each week will get easier and easier logistically.  I know the boys are really missing the social aspect!

My gym let me check out some equipment, so enjoying having some extra stuff around the house to work out with, namely a rower. 

All the elementary teachers just held a parade and drove around all the neighborhoods honking at all the kids.  Amazing how the whole community has come together and people helping people!