Benjamin survived having his wisdom teeth out over Christmas break. Very little swelling and pain. He was not really even down much. Jacob, on the other hand, had 8 teeth out recently and was taking meds for almost a week. He is still struggling to eat, poor kid. He was telling me two days ago that his front teeth hurt from having to always chew with them. Now that both procedures are out of the way, the orthodontist is working to get Benjamin's teeth moved so he can have jaw surgery later this year. Once Jacob's teeth start coming in, he will go back into braces.
Benjamin got his license on my birthday.
He is driving a Mazda 6 and loves it. He continues to rock his work environment. He is doing so well there. He finished out the first semester of sophomore year and is doing welding, wood shop, culinary and all the core classes for the second semester. He has had a very fast immersion into the world of taxes and can't believe they take out $100 of his hard earned money! Welcome to life son!
My mom was here over my birthday and we had a wonderful time. Not sure what we did with our days, but I know we stayed busy. She is always great help around the house and this trip was no different. She is much better at filling in corners and putting splashes of color places. I am just not a shopper/browser and that is what you have to be to find things you need.
Jacob is playing basketball and doing well. Here is a recent video...hopefully it comes through. Jacob is green #10. He shines around the 35 second mark.
Our winter has been very mild lately! Very little accumulated snow and warmer temperatures. Jacob has skied probably 12 times so far and shows no plans of slowing down. He chose not to do travel basketball (just playing through the school) so his Saturdays would be free for skiing.