Friday, April 12, 2019

Back in the fall I was challenged by a friend to think of the things that make me happy.  It was during a time in my life when things were crazy busy/chaotic and I was getting lost in the day to day of life.  So one day I took some time to write out things that make me smile.  Here is what I came up with.

woodworking/building things
leisurely lunch
hitting tennis balls on the wall
sitting still
being home
curling up with blanket
low music
not being rushed
keyboard/harmonica/guitar (although I very seldom attempt to play any of them, makes me happy thinking about it)
sitting in hot car

Have you made a happy list?  A great exercise to do.  I am trying to be more intentional about doing something from my list when I need to recharge!  Will be interesting to see how the list changes over time too!

This kiddo got his braces off! 

Benjamin and I went to court a few days ago and got his name changed.  Actually, the name we changed it to was the only name he knew, it was more a formality to have social security and birth certificate match up.  He DID/DID NOT MAKE DRIVERS ED
I am on day 16 of 21 days on my face cream.  Things were great up through day 11.  Then slowly more spots started showing up.  (Interestingly almost 3 times more on my left side of my face...must be all those driving miles.  I very seldom put on sunscreen when I am only going to be in the car.)  I still look way better than I anticipated, but it is very noticeable.  Not too painful.  Today is the first day it has hurt more than it has not hurt ~ like a sunburn.

We have had a little snow this week, but it has not kept my from breaking out my sandals!

The boys are all in a really good groove.  Hope it continues through the rest of the fourth quarter.  With the warmer weather, the boys have been outside a lot and discovered some new friends who have moved into the neighborhood.  (Not hard for that to happen with all the building behind our house.)

Continue to watch the housing market.  I am hopeful!  Just praying for the right thing at the right time.  We are slowly doing some things to the house to spruce it up a bit.  Amazing the wear and tear on a house of boys over 12 1/2 years!

My hours at work have been cut!  I am down to 10 hours.  Will miss the money, obviously, but am really excited to have some down time to tackle projects at home!  It is interesting though, the less you have to do, the less productive you seem to be.  When I have more on my plate, I have to be more diligent about getting everything done.

JR is heading to Utah in the near future, wanting to explore some of the national parks down there.  The plan is for Jacob to go with him! 

Here are some random pictures.

Before the snow melted, one of my runs with Bree.  There is a 5 mile loop that I take her on.

We finally have a trampoline park!   Managed to get one picture of Benjamin.  Boys have a great time!

I have finally learned how to use the saws in the garage and made myself this book case.  Found it online and really like the design. 

Jacob bought this hilarious bike from a friend, who made it in wood shop at school.  I don't think he realized how slow it would go with small tires and they certainly did not take into consideration a weight limit, as they have already popped the tires!

I love these photos, when the boys are so tired they just fall asleep where they land!

Not much else happening around here.  Loving the quiet days with no crazy extra curricular activities!