Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Several weeks ago, the YMCA had a fun day for all players. They were able to meet the local college football team and run some drills with them. Got some fun, in action pictures.

Benjamin showed some great talent, both catching and throwing.  He had considered going out for football for 7th grade, but decided not to.  I think he sort of wonders how it would have gone if he did.

Whenever I wear baseball hats, I always make sure my ears are 'tucked' in or it bugs me.  This kiddo loves for his ears to stick out of his hat.  (Never got good action shots of him.)

They did a one on one drill and several times the boys faced off.  So fun to see them being able to compete somewhat on an equal level.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Random pictures...

Jacob picked me a sunflower the other day.  It was from across the street and it was huge!

Jbird went out shooting with his dad ~ one of the most favorite things they do together.

This is the barber shop I take the bookend boys too.  Classic old time barbershop.  You can even get a beer out of the fridge if you want.

Our Bree girl.

She was so tired after playing half an hour with other dogs that she would not stand to drink her water.

Fall weather is here.  The days are getting shorter.  You have to layer your clothes because it is cold in the morning and evening and hot during the day.   I am getting into a good groove with my schedule.  Before long, I will add some classroom volunteer time at the elementary school ~ at least for Joseph's class.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Guess what time of year it is.....

Both boys are playing.  Joseph on the Lions and Jacob on the Falcons.

Joseph got to kick off.  It was an awesome kick and went over everyone's head.

Two minutes earlier I would have been in the perfect spot for this picture.  Alas.  Jacob intercepted and then ran the ball back for a touchdown. Of course all I got was the behind shot.

He also got to kick off.

They both really enjoyed it today.  Jacob's team played really well together.  Joseph's team was fun to watch because they are mostly beginners and running the wrong way, grabbing flags of players who don't have the ball, etc.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

This past week was a blur. Not that there was a ton going on, but still trying to get into my groove with my school schedule. I have yet to have any down time, but hoping this week to steal a couple of hours for some reading, nap, bath, long leisurely walk.... who knows. The fall weather has crept in and I am really liking it.

Do you see the missing front teeth?

The younger two have expressed an interest in tennis, so of course I have been going with them.

Notice the shoes.....that kid!

A boy and his dog...Bree loves to hang around the courts just outside the fence.

I have tried to get the boys to practice against the wall.

With a little bit of practice they both have potential.  We shall see.

We have a friend who has a dog that looks just like our dog Little Bit from our growing up years.  I just had to include a picture.  This dog was not nearly as nice as our dog was though.

With my part time job at home, I have lots of down time to listen to broadcasts.  I have been listening to a lot of them concerning raising boys.  My heart's greatest desire is for my boys to 'catch' my faith and become men of integrity.  I am very concerned for them (and all kids) with the culture we live in.  The innocence of kids is lost so young with the instant images on phones, tablets, in the grocery store check out line.  I figure it is best to have many small conversations than bigger, few and far between conversations.  I love it when God gives me a perfect story/analogy/word picture for my boys.  It happened this morning.

We have talked about dating and I have told them on numerous occasions that they have the rest of their lives to deal with girls, so just enjoy the growing up years.  Don't obsess over girls (although they probably will).  Today I was getting ready for church and I had a long shirt on (longer on the sides than the front) but it covered all the important areas.  So, I called the boys in and asked them if they thought it was appropriate for me to wear what I had on to church.  They all screamed 'no, unless you put on pants'.  I told them girls at the middle school wear long shirts without pants on.  They did not know what to say.  So I told them, the rule is, if it is not appropriate for mom to wear it, then it is probably not appropriate for your girl friends to wear it.  I told Benjamin that if his girl friend wore a mini skirt, then I would come to his school in a mini skirt.  We kind of laughed about it.

Well, after church a friend of ours, Curt, came up to me.  He told me he had asked Benjamin if he had seen any cute girls at school.  Benjamin told Curt he had seen a few but that he would never have a girlfriend because his mom had a new rule.  Benjamin proceeded to tell Curt that he could not date a girl that would wear anything too inappropriate for his mom to wear and because of that, he thought him would never have a girl friend.  Curt jokingly told him he could not date until he was 30 anyways.  We both laughed but I thought about it....Benjamin actually listened to me and it stuck.

Benjamin later retold the story to me.  I hit the point home again.  I told him that there will be lots of girls for him to look at and encouraged him to chose more of the modestly dressed girls.  I said 'do you really want to date the girls that all the boys are lusting over' and then I told him that he needs to treat the girls with respect because he will probably date someone who will one day be someone else's wife, just like the girl he marries may very well date someone else before Benjamin and how Benjamin would appreciate his future wife being respected.

It was just one of those 'great talks' with my son where some incredible things were communicated in a way that made sense to him!  Thank God.  Now, I just need to look for other opportunities to repeat it subtly about 100 more times!

Still getting into a routine.  Hopefully this week I will find a little margin time.  Football starts this week for the younger two, so our evenings will be hectic.  Just need to plan the school hours better.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Recent trip to the river.

Joseph picked lots of rocks for a small dam, which I did not get a picture of.
 They also hauled lots of wood for Jacob's little cabin.  (Notice my kiddo's socks and no shoes..ugh)

Jacob found some branches that were really long and I was very impressed with how he solved the problem.  See his shadow, and the big rock he is holding....

Then he throws the rock and snap...just like that.

Benjamin spent most of the time in the shade listening to music.

Notice him carrying his shoes...he chose to wear his nice church shoes to the river...not sure how nice they are anymore, since he walked in the river with them.  He is my shoeless Joe Jackson...from the movie Field of Dreams.

Carrying more sticks.

The finished project.

I love his details with the rock floor.  He was very careful to find flat rocks.

I took Benjamin back to his orthodontist. The doc was on the same page about pulling everything off and putting in a retainer. Two issues. Which retainer do we use. The removable one which will do a better job of keeping the front teeth in line, but it can be lost. Or the permanent one, which might not keep the front teeth together as well but cannot be lost. The other issue, which I knew nothing of, but he said he had made notes previously of his top incisors is angled out just a bit. The cuspid next to it has not been lost but the orthdontist can feel the permanent tooth and it appears to be very close to the root of the incisor. So, he feels that we need to keep brackets on a little longer and try to adjust the angle of the incisor and root, of when the permanent cuspid comes in, it could destroy the root of the incisor, which would mean he could lose the tooth and then need an implant, at 4K dollars! So, the brackets remain in hopes that we can move/save the incisor root so the cuspid permanent tooth does not take it out. I just smile. No harm done in keeping the brackets on and if we advert an implant, huge!

Quiet weekend. The YMCA is having a football kick off this morning, so gonna head there for some fun. Then do a little clothes shopping! We are still trying to gather up all the school supplies needed for the kids. I don't remember what we had to take to school for each grade, but
it is nuts now.