Monday, July 30, 2012

We attended the cub scout camp out over the weekend. Arrived mid morning on Saturday and left early afternoon on Sunday. We were 11 miles back, in the middle of nowhere...except for about 3,000 buffalo and a pack of wolves. Yes, we heard the wolves Saturday night. Also had some coyotes that were closer and yelping. The kids had a great time. It was nice for them to roam without bothering non-scouts or being afraid someone would snatch your kid. Often times I did not have a visual on my kids, but sure could hear them.
On Saturday afternoon some of the ranch staff (there are 8 full time biologists and lots of summer help) came and talked with us. In one station we learned about the wolves and their behaviors. The gal had some of the tracking devices. They had hid some radio collars in the grass and the boys had to get the devices and antenneas and track them down. In another group we had a guy show us how he tests the creeks for disease. The kids got to go out and find frogs and then they would bring them back so he could 'swab' them. In the third group a biologist taught us about electro fishing. Very interesting how that all works. Unfortunately he was not able to find a 'real' fish to see how it all works, but the kids had fun anyway. The fourth station we did was about bugs. I have never known bugs to be do entertaining. The guy doing it obviously loves kids and loves teaching them. He would identify by drawing the bugs we would see in the water and attach a bug dance to them. As well as interesting the stone fly has it's gills in their can imagine what that dance looked like. Then the kids got to get nets and go stir up the bottom of the river. They would dump their find in the clear tubs filled with water. Then we brought them back to shore, scooped them out with spoons into ice trays. Then we got to see the bugs dance in water in the ice trays. Quite fascinating, even though I do not like bugs.
Even though there was a burn ban in effect, we still had our 'campfire' program. All the kids got to participate in skits. This is a great way to start getting them comfortable with being in front of people and talking. (It is neat to see how the entire scouting experience builds on itself, because as boy scouts, they have to take a much more visible role and be comfortable leading, talking, etc.)
Went for a short hike on Sunday morning after our church service. Two parents who are biologists did the hike. We eventually found some shade and they talked about how you can identify the age of a tree by its rings. Then they pulled out a 'drill' and showed how you can drill a small hole in to the center of a tree and pull out a core. Then you can count the rings without having to cut the tree down. On our way out, they found some fresh bear scat, so that got everyone excited!
I did not take many pictures, but here are a few.
B's den did the opening flag ceremony and he was the one doing all the talking, the pledge, etc. Here he is with his den leader.

Our tent is on the left hand side, so we had a nice view
This was the center of camp
I love the mountains we live in but if I could pick any landscape, it would be more of like these pictures.  The trees and prairies on the rolling hills...probably my favorite landscape day in and day out.

JB was a trooper.  He climbed up this fairly steep slope while we rested on our hike.

My kids don't often hold my hand, so love this photo...he was one tired pup, at the end of our hike.

On Saturday night our dessert was banana boats....bananas cut lengthwise, stuffed with marshmallow and chocolate, then wrapped in foil and placed on the grill. Could not get any of my boys to touch them...even with chocolate.

A picture in the tent...we have sleeping bags that zip together to make one big bag - won't do that again with the three boys. Jbird was in the middle and I don't know how many times he kicked the covers off. We actually had a blanket on top of us and by morning, the blanket was on the inside and the sleeping bag on top.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Just a few pictures from a recent swimming outing. Look how long his hair is....(for my family, yes a haircut is on the calendar for all three of my kids and not a haircut done by me. I am just waiting until a little closer to school starting)
Showing off his new swimming skills. He loves diving down to grab things off the bottom of the pool at 3 feet.
B spent most of his time in the deep end with friends. He is starting to try all kinds of crazy things from the side of the pool - getting up his nerve to do a belly flop, or flip or whatever else he sees someone else doing. Got a quick one of him coming down the slide.
Little JB, just gets in and kicks and kicks around....

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Went for a bike ride to the donut shop today. It is obvious my boys still need lots of instruction out on the roadway regarding safety and bike etiquette. We have therapy later today and then hitting the pool. Took Jbird to the doctor yesterday...he just seems exhausted, despite getting to bed early most nights. She thinks his tonsils are huge and there could be some sleep apnea going on. I have known for a while he is a huge mouth breather. We have an appt Monday with the ENT. Will see what he says...... JB is filling up his potty sheets with stickers. Some days are better than others, but we are making headway. He sure has ramped up his frustration tantrums. Mainly when he is trying to get himself dressed or wanting his way with something. Working really hard on getting him to use his words instead of screaming or throwing things. B has been back to the orthodontist. I have a phone consult next week to talk about what the full recommendations are for treatment and the biggie...the cost. I think everyone (Dr included) is hopeful that he will only need a phase 1 and phase 2 treatment....meaning just giving room for teeth to come in and not having to go all the way with braces and straightening them. He did say that there is really no great benefit either way to starting stuff now or waiting a year. Not much to lose or gain either way. This weekend is the annual Cub Scout Family Night Camp out. We are heading to private property and the owners are bringing in some of their biologists to teach us about animal tracking, wildlife management, etc. This is a really large ranch with lots of resources. Very thankful they are taking a chance in allowing our large group to camp at their place, 11 miles back in the middle of nowhere. Should be some great pictures to post!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I was ironing recently and B decided he wanted to give it a shot. He loved it. Everyday he asks me if there is something for him to iron. Of course I have to come behind him and touch things up, but he does a pretty good job. Now Jbird is wanting in on the action, so tonight I think I will give them both something to iron. On our recent road trip we ate at a Cracker Barrel. Nothing was jumping out at me on the menu, so went with the ol' standby...biscuits and gravy. We also ordered one kids meal chicken tender and 2 mac-n-cheese. I looked around at all the colors on our plates...pitiful. Oh well, we were on vacation. Anyway, I finally convinced Jbird to try gravy on some things. He loved it..I think he put it on the chicken tenders and the mac-n-cheese. I only ended up getting half of my order because the boys ate the rest. Since that time I have started pulling out the fruit at every meal. Amazing how they will eat it when it is out. Instead of putting things on their plate, I just put the container on the counter and they usually make a dent in it. Hopefully the 'have some fruit at every meal' thing will continue.
The other day B woke up for church and decided he would dress up. I love it when that happens because the other boys almost always follow suit. Here is their git up. When I told them I wanted to take a picture, they even went outside and 'arranged' themselves.

I love my boys and their ties...every one at church loved JB's size 5 shorts, boots, John Deere t-shirt and tie. He was quite pleased with himself and putting it all together.

I found this picture on my camera...must have been a self-taken photo, but thought it was good.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Early in the summer I came up with a list of stuff to do, friends to call...basically a list of rabbits I could pull out of my hat when the day was getting long.  Recently I pulled that list out and the tub of stuff I had stashed.  (I am thankful it is mid July and I have not had to pull it out before now)  I told the boys to put on their bathing suits and swim goggles.  Then I each gave them a can of shaving cream.  Here is all the action.

JB was not too keen on the idea. He kept screaming when anyone would touch him and then he would run over to the ball sprinkler and try to wash everything off. All in all the boys had a blast. I accidentally bought the aloe shaving cream instead of the regular shaving cream that expanded when sprayed. Will have to make a note of that for next time. The only way we thought it could have been better is if we were at our cousins' house on their trampoline...then no one could run away and it would be slippery...(maybe an idea for summer 2013)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Seems like the busyness of the last couple of weeks is dying down.  The two math programs at the library that B has been participating in end next week.  So looks like the month of August will be only speech therapies for JB and hitting the pool.

The other day we were at a friend's house and JB was trying to say 'chip'.  Instead he would say 'bip'.  We would get him to say 'ch', then ask him to say 'chip'...he would say 'bip', repeatedly.  This so describes apraxia.  He can often say things in isolation, but as he puts it all together, it falls apart.  He is struggling with putting two words together at therapy.  So it goes, make some headway then regress.  Overall though, still very excited for his progress.

B has taken a liking to the game Mancala.  Boy, he sure gives me a run for my money.  He beat me the first couple of times we played until everything started coming back to me.  He will probably be my fiercest competitor.  He also loves Math Whiz.  Just amazed at how much he enjoys that game.  When the cousins were here, they spent a lot of time on the floor playing.  Anyone wanting to increase mental math for their kids, check it out...phenomenal game and really a lot of fun.  I even stumped my brother-in-law with a math equation...I was excited.

With family recently being here, I had bought several cases of water bottles to have on hand.  My precious Jbird has taken it upon himself to personally try to mutilate every empty bottle he can find.  He will squeeze it, twist it, step on it, bang it...whatever he can think of.  The constant noise around the house is like nails on a chalkboard.

While the family was here we also went tubing - or should I say floated the local river.  The first time I had ever done it in my 13 years living here.  Had a lot of fun but nothing I am brave enough to attempt by myself with the kiddos.  Tied up all the tubes.  Once you got in, the water was not too bad, until you got splashed.  Floated 6 miles in just under 2 hours, so a perfect speed.  I think the boys enjoyed it, even if they acted bored.  JR had a hard time staying in his tube.  He kept falling out.  One time he fell out and could not get to his feet quick enough to catch up with we floated away.  Just after that, B was 'bored' and untied Jbird and my sister from the group.  Jbird did not like that.  We could hear him wailing across the river.  We were going just fast enough that it was not too safe to drag your feet, so I could not stop us.  JR finally got to the side of the bank of the river, he figured it would be quicker to catch up with us on foot than being in the river.  Then he found a tube on the bank.  He jumped back in and was able to get over to Jbird and calm him down.  We all made it out in one piece and no one really got sunburned, even though the sky was beautiful.

JR has been staying very busy with work.  He has even turned down a few side jobs.  When the time is right, I don't think he will have a problem launching a full time business.  I got a speeding ticket the other day...the first one in many years.  I thought I was in a 35 mph zone but it was 25.  I was in my own little world and the motorcycle cop caught me doing 39.  Fortunately he was very nice and knocked it down to 35 mph for the ticket.  He told me 10 miles over will cut the fine in half and it will not go on my driving record (thankful for that).  I was scared to find out the fine...I called today to pay it and it was only $20!!

Off to go play with the boys!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

While on the road, we discovered a fun indoor pool/water park. It was actually like a community pool. B enjoyed the water slide

And for this guy, swimming finally clicked. He told me the key to him actually swimming without a life jacket was for me to hold his foot. So I did and he started swimming. He loves swimming now!!

I love this can see the swagger.

This was the cabin we stayed at the second night on the road. Much more rustic than KOA. There was no electricity, which meant it was very hot until close to midnight.

This is where my mom and a few of the kids stayed - complete with electricity, bathrooms and continental breakfast.

We finally made it to the entrance....

He loved playing in the snow....he did eventually have to get out of the snow because his feet were too cold - he had on sandals.

I love this picture of the two of them jumping.  Look closely at Jbird....can't see his feet or one arm/hand.

This was a place we stumbled upon on the drive home.  There was a steakhouse up the hill but this little burger joint on the grass by the lake. Perfect place to sit and hang out...good burgers too.

I made this picture a little bigger...look above the picnic table
The aroma of our food was obviously good, because this black bear sauntered in. He was probably 100 yards. He was not at all interested in us. At one point he looked at us, took a step or two toward us and then headed on uphill. The guy at the next table said he was headed for the garbage dumpster. He obviously did not find what he was looking for at the steakhouse because he head across the street toward the chicken place. While all this was going on, my precious B took off running - scared. Poor thing I found him in the car sobbing. I had to convince him that the bear was really harmless and it was safe to come out. All the other kids of course had gone to the bathroom, so they missed it totally. After dinner and ice cream we were able to track the bear down in the car. We made several u-turns but saw him running through a field, walking by the lake and then swimming in the lake. We finally lost him in the marsh. It was probably the highlight of our trip...seeing a bear up close.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Having a good time with the family and can't seem to get all the pictures from Glacier posted. The day before they flew in, the boys and I spent a night at a KOA campground. I had never stayed at a KOA, but I know it will not be my last stay. Really was impressed with the KOA community. We played at one of their little parks. I love taking pictures of the boys jumping......

JB loves to jump off things, until I get my camera out, then he plays the cautious, careful child.

They were having so much fun on this tire swing. When the other kids left, they asked me to push them. So, I start pushing them around in a circle. Well, I guess I pushed them harder because they started freaking out and then they would allow their body to swing in and out and this only caused the swing to go faster and faster. By the time I got to them, they were all crying and very upset with me.

At the KOA they had these banana bikes you could rent, pretty inexpensively, so we did. There are no handle bars or steering wheel. Instead you turn by swinging your hips and shifting your weight.  It took Jbird a few minutes to get the hang of it as he almost ran into a car and a shed.  The only option I had was to put JB on my lap...very challenging, since he provided extra weight with every pedal.  I finally got smart and had him face me and lay into me, versus having him look forward.  If they were not so low to the ground and hard to been seen, would maybe consider getting one.

Here are two pictures of our cabin. Very quaint and close to the bathrooms!

Hopefully I will get the rest of the pictures up very soon and still tell you about the most exciting part of the trip.