B had a great time on his overnight trip with his friend. His friend's mother told me he was such a well-behaved, well-mannered child. Music to my ears. You never know how your child acts around others. On Thursday night when B packed his stuff, Jbird was not to be out done and he packed a bag too. They were both rolling their bags around the house. Then Friday morning, first thing after waking up, Jbird starts crying that he will miss B. B and his friends spent the last 24 hours swimming, playing video games and eating at Chuck E. Cheese! Jbird was of course not left out having mom and dad (almost) to himself. We all had dinner last night at Subway (Jbird's bi monthly date time), this morning, during the garage sale, he went with JR to some friends house to help brand the calves. Then this afternoon I took him to run a few errands and we stopped at DQ for a 50 cent ice cream cone!
The garage sale was fine. Sold most of my stuff (only one small box left). A friend joined me and she said our location is a lot better than hers. Thankfully, the wind did not start whipping around until we were packing up!
On Friday I was making cookies for B to take on his trip. Jbird and I were talking in the kitchen and for some reason the subject of bears came up. It reminded me of a time when a bear had broken into our house. We lived in a nearby resort, at 8,000 feet and 3 miles back on 480 acres. B was about 18 months old. He and I had been hanging out at the house all day. I had made some cookies and for some reason they had burned. So I opened up the kitchen window (and forgot about it). Later that afternoon we ran out to the post office for about 30 minutes. At the time we were caretaking for some people and living above the 3 car garage. So you entered on the ground floor but immediately climbed a tall flight of stairs. When we got back from the post office, we unlocked the door and immediately heard some rattling. I remembered the window and assumed that maybe there was a squirrel or something in the sink clanking dishes. I called up in the event that it was the owners, no answer. I then went to the owners house and called JR. He was about 15 minutes away. I got in the car. The garage was built into the side of a hill, so you were able to drive around back. Sure enough, there was a bear sitting on our back deck. I drove back around to the front and for some reason, opened the door. Then I heard it. The clicking of the gas stove. Now I had a problem. Somehow the gas stove had gotten turned on. Lots of propane floating around an apartment is not a good thing. I took my chances that the bear was still on the back deck and went upstairs. The bear was still outside. Turns out while he was in the apartment, he had eaten the 18 cookies I had sitting on the stove and that is when the stove got turned on. He also ate a bowl of bacon grease but managed to leave our half eaten sandwiches at the table. You could see his paw prints going from room to room. JR came home and the bear was off in a distance but he fired a warning shot. Looking back, it was totally God's hand because we were home all day and I don't know that the bear was smart enough to case our house, but he entered during the 30 minutes we were gone. Plus, we kept a thick cutting board on the burner that got turned on and another 5 minutes or so, it probably would have been on fire. (Not too long after that I had walked downstairs on a Sunday morning to put some stuff in the car. About 1 minute later JR went back down there and saw a bear over by the driver's side of the car.)
Jbird of course had a thousand questions about the bear, the cookies I had made, how the bear got in, etc. Thankfully we live in the 'city' now.